Female Inflation

Candy and her Friends in Balloon Land

Inflation Types:

"Boring!" Candy announced, lying on the couch upside down, her legs sticking up over the back of the couch.

"You said it!" said Cindy, strolling into the room from the kitchen, a big bowl of popcorn in one hand. As she passed Candy's feet, she reached out to tickle them. Candy kicked back and rolled onto the floor, giggling.

"Where are all the parties tonight?" Heather asked from where she sat facing the TV.

"Midterms!" yelled Ellie from the bedroom. "Too many damn midterms! Everybody's studying!"

"Midterms!" Heather grumped.

Average: 4 (12 votes)

Cameron's New Attitude

Cameron had started to feel desperate. She was still the only girl in her class with no boyfriend and even though none of her classmates were heartless enough to tease her about it, she knew that they all saw Cameron as a loser. It wasn’t that Cameron wasn’t attractive or that she had never been asked out by a boy, but everyone she had gone out on a date with had turned out to be a real jerk. They all told her how much they loved her curly dark hair, her full lips and of course her big breasts, but she could tell that that was all they were interested in: her looks.

Average: 3.1 (7 votes)

Busty Babe Blows Herself to Pieces

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

We sit together on the couch now. The date is over, has been for a good thirty minutes. She smiles, I laugh. We talk. I can tell that we are going somewhere though... brushing hands, we giggle, then brush some more. She is beautiful, and I am moved as she pulls near, and we embrace for a long passionate kiss. Her lips are full and moist. It is both long and sweet.

Average: 4.1 (21 votes)

Bursting with Gossip

Inflation Types:

Shelley’s heart felt inflamed with revenge and her mind muddled by drink. She was young, attractive and hard working; she fully deserved her success and had had a meteoric rise through the world of politics, being made a junior minister in the ministry of administrative affairs less than 2 years after first being elected to parliament. Politics, however, was a fickle game; public opinion and the devil on its shoulder that is the media, your boss. A nasty rumour could easily shoot down even the most integral and conscientious of politicians.

Average: 4.1 (16 votes)

Brush, The

Katherine's acquired a magical paintbrush that can make her dreams into reality. She really ought to be more careful with it.

Average: 4.2 (17 votes)

Body Inflation 23

Body Inflation 23
Average: 3.7 (14 votes)


Average: 3.4 (10 votes)


"Stop it," said Veronica, as she swatted her boyfriend’s hand. Despite her pleading, her boyfriend, Mac, still couldn’t keep his hands off the receding bulge that emerged from beneath her cutoff tee shirt.

Average: 4.1 (14 votes)

Breast Balloon Bra

Inflation Types:

Mia was walking in the mall one day, when she saw a new store had opened up. It was called Fantasy Body. She went inside and found those, make-your-body-the-way-you want-it stuff. She seen them before on TV. They claimed that you will lose this much weight, or your privates will be better during sex or some other kind of shit. However, a few items caught her eye as being different from the others, which were pills or food. It was a bra. To Mia, it didn’t look like it was special in any kind of way, but the tag said “Breast Balloons”.

Average: 3.1 (8 votes)

Bottoms Up!

Inflation Types:

Once the laboratory was quiet, the room darkened and everyone gone, Philippa emerged slowly from the store cupboard where she had hidden. She was careful not to set off any motion detectors as she stepped out onto the tiled floor, but fortunately there were none and the pristine silence remained just that. The slender girl pitter pattered gently across the floor towards the windows. She looked out of the seventh floor window over the car park and the busy motorway, silenced behind the double panes of glass.

Average: 3.8 (11 votes)
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