HellResident / Pho-mass

Midnight Madness, Part 2

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The whole squad, all eighteen of them, were gathered in the changing room, getting ready for their big night. It was 11:35 and in less than half an hour they would be the ones to initiate the celebrations for Midnight Madness, the first official day (night, to be precise) of the basketball season. They were already listening to the accumulating crowd, stamping feet, noisy chats and the occasional cheer, overpowering the uplifting music that was already making the whole building vibrate slightly.

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)

Midnight Madness, Part 1

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The university's courtyard was full of people bustling about. It was a particularly sunny and warm day (it was after all still mid-March) and consequently everyone looked particularly cheery. Tanya was lying down on the grass, her beautiful lips slightly open, book on hands and sunglasses in place. People were buzzing around her and she pretended to not care but all she did was observe, glancing over the rim of the page she was currently reading – for the past twenty minutes or so. And her mind roamed...

Average: 3.7 (6 votes)
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