Full Body Inflation

Cheerleader Scorned, A - Part 2: Too Much of a Good Thing

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

“In here!”

Jordyn tugged Heather’s arm and pushed open the door, pulling the cheer captain excitedly in behind her. She flicked on the lights before the darkness could fold fully around them, revealing a room modestly-sized for its purpose; a few solid tables stood out along a bare hardwood floor, surrounded by a variety of tools, the smell of sawdust, a posted reminder that Suzie never wore her safety glasses and that now she doesn’t need them.

“A back room of the wood shop?” Heather said flatly, making no effort to disguise her puzzlement.

Average: 4 (21 votes)


Average: 4.1 (20 votes)

Bubblegum Staci

Inflation Types:

Staci skipped cheerfully down the sidewalk. It was a bright and sunny day out in San Francisco, and as she returned home from high school, she decided to take a small detour through the city's market place. Rows of buildings passed by as she happily made her way through the shops.

People smiled and waved at her as she walked by. Staci wouldn't consider herself popular, but she certainly was friendly to everyone who met her. She was that happy-go-lucky type who just wished to get along with everyone.

Average: 3.9 (11 votes)


Average: 3.6 (7 votes)


Average: 3 (9 votes)

Spacegirl Suzy experiences explosive decompression

Spacegirl Suzy experiences explosive decompression
Average: 3.4 (8 votes)

Visitation, The

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

There was a flash of fire at the foot of Mallory’s bed, and when it abated, the demon stood silently there. She wore the standard outfit, which is to say, not much; stiletto boots buckled around her ankles; a spiked choker around her neck; a pair of long fingerless gloves running up her forearms; and what might charitably be called a bikini - all in standard velvet black to accent pale, shimmering skin and long, flame-red hair. In one hand she carried a compressed air tank, which she placed softly at the bedside before sliding gently onto the covers to straddle the napping girl.

Average: 4.4 (31 votes)

safety measures while ballooning indoors

safety measures while ballooning indoors
Average: 3.5 (11 votes)

Blocked Up, Part 2

Inflation Types:

"Stop it... Stooooop!" Sarah screamed, her gurgling belly increasing in size exponentially. It filled the entire house, and Sarah was in loads of pain.

"No..." Angela cooed. "This is revenge, Sarah... Comeuppance... You pop me... now I.. pop.. YOU."


OOOOOOO!!!" Sarah awoke with a start, sweating in her bed. She looked around frantically, then checked her belly. Still as flat as ever. She sighed, wiping her forehead. It's fine, she told herself. Just a dream. Angela's dead. She's gone. She can't hurt you. You won't pop. It's all ok...

Average: 3 (9 votes)

Blocked Up

Inflation Types:

*PHHBBT* went her ass... again.

Angela looked around at her friends, all clothed in pajamas, staring at her, bewildered.

"Damn Angela, how much gas DO you have???" Natali shouted, waving a hand in front of her face to fan away the smell.

"You're gonna kill us all!" exclaimed Sarah, coughing.

Angela blushed deep red. "I'm sorry... I dunno what's wrong with my stomach..."

"If you're gonna off us all, at least don't do it while we're at a sleepover! You know, trying to have fun???" Sarah said.

Average: 2.5 (11 votes)
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