How would I inflate you: The Valentine's Day of Massive Curves

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I'm drawing issue that the thread seems to have derailed, completely.  We're in the top 5 of most replied threads ever, passing every other How would I inflate you, but I don't know how many are stories and how many are just bickering anymore.

I've talked it over with a good friend of mine, and in order to rest my creative juices and make a more standardized request form so I don't have to fill in blanks, I'm no longer accepting requests on this thread and will be starting a new thread after a day or two off, so Monday/Tuesday.

Valentines has passed, anyway.  And good news for all of you, (exept for me, and I KNOW I'm gonna regret this) the slate will be considered to be wiped clean when the new thread starts.  That means that everyone who got a story already can ask for another.

I'm taking a break.  The thread's going down in flames, my creativity is running a little low, and everyone's gone from enjoying some of my hastily written, mediocre stories to arguing over I dont know what and I probably don't want to know.  I hate to do this, but...  ABANDON SHIP!

Let's keep the next thread less crazy, folks.  No blame to any of you.


LutherVKane's picture

I never told you to keep the drama private. I told you to keep your drama off of this site. I also told you to stop making accounts here.

I kept this matter private for your first dozen ban evasions. You didn't stop. I don't see how addressing you in private again will change that.

Any person who threatens and harasses me or the users of this site will never be welcome here. Additional threats and harassment will not change that.

buttburster2000's picture

How about one where someone brings cookies for their entire class and causes the entire class to inflate in various ways and places.


For those of you who have any drama or grievences, or non-request questions/comments, please post them in repies to THIS comment so the stories can be more organized.

Thank you.


NameTaken's picture

I've been actively avoiding replying to Blimpboy/Sexyblimp/Boomie/FireControl/his various other names' comments on here, but I will say this much: It's kind of amazing/disturbing how one guy with way too much free time can single-handedly derail a thread.

One can only wonder how a (supposed) adult can dedicate so much of his day to harassing inflation fetish outlets. No job or any real-world obligations to speak of, perhaps?

Guardian95's picture

Hey I'll go! I'm really into gas/helium inflation. Perhaps I've eaten something that causes a lot of Gas buildup in me, followed by deflation? no popping prefered.

Gene wilder > Johnny Depp


Sorry, I had to close requests onthis thread because drama in the comments.  I'll have a new one soon, though, so please set up there.

buttburster2000's picture

How about one where this guy takes cookies or some sort of snack to school to share with his grade 12 class but the treats cause everyone to inflate in different ways and places?


I saw your comment earlier, pal.  No need to repeat, I just needed to take a break.  Although I'm gonna shift to a new forum thread for these, so Valentine's day theme doesn't stick around.