Mario Blade 64

Belated Christmas Gift for Marioblade64

Here's a belated gift for Mario Blade 64 from dA, with his request of a hyper-hourglassed Ada Rose, his OC.

Ada Rose (c) Marioblade64, Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

Belated Christmas Gift for Marioblade64
Average: 3.1 (11 votes)

MarioBlade 64 Birthday Gift 2011

A while ago as I write this it was a friend's birthday, so I made him a gift picture to celebrate. This is the friend's female self enjoying a cake-shaped P-tank and the swollen figure that comes with it.

Female Marioblade64 (c) Marioblade64

Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

MarioBlade 64 Birthday Gift 2011
Average: 2.6 (5 votes)
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