
P-Tanked Cyber Kagome and Akiko

Here's a request from Sagashi Industries from dA involving his OCs Kagome and Akiko doing some VR inflation using Digi-P-Tanks. The best part about doing VR simulations is that there is no limit to how much gas you can puff yourself up with!

Cyber Kagome, Akiko (c) Sagashi Industries, Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

P-Tanked Cyber Kagome and Akiko
Average: 2.8 (6 votes)

P-Tanked Hikari and Haruna

A very late request from SagashiIndustries of his OCs Hikari and Haruna enjoying a P-Tank together.

Hikari and Haruna (c) SagashiIndustries

P-Tanks (c) MarioBlade64

Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

P-Tanked Hikari and Haruna
Average: 2.6 (10 votes)

MarioBlade 64 Birthday Gift 2011

A while ago as I write this it was a friend's birthday, so I made him a gift picture to celebrate. This is the friend's female self enjoying a cake-shaped P-tank and the swollen figure that comes with it.

Female Marioblade64 (c) Marioblade64

Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

MarioBlade 64 Birthday Gift 2011
Average: 2.6 (5 votes)
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