French Maid Art and Stories

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French Maid Art and Stories

Could someone PLEASE put in some art and/or stories of French Maids being inflated? :?


You are in luck. I was working on some french maid pics a while ago. Just need to finish them...


Thanks, can you info me once they're uploaded?


Sure. But as usual, RL got in the way, so I'm holding off on it for now... ;_;

Archangel_Dreadnought's picture

Well, I could make some for you, if you, or anyone else, can find something for me. Its related somewhat to what you want. I'm looking for screen caps of Cinnamon, from "Megaman X: Command Mission", in her hyper mode outfit, which is called "Iron Maiden" (it looks like the kind of outfit you want). If you do find theese pics, I'll put you request on the top of my list, I already have some ideas for pics, just no refferance pics.

So many inflation drawings lack flow/life, they are just a girl standing around with a hose stuck somewhere and large whatevers.


I'd like for just the simple french maid being inflated. I'd prefer body inflation, with the outfit being stretched, but not being ripped off. I've always liked the clothing expanding witht he inflatee. Just do a google image search under french maid and be creative. I want to challenge artists. Good luck and please tell me once they're ready.


IF you haven't seen them before, there's a pretty decent maid sequence that sketchvg drew a long time ago. You can find the two pics at the yahoo group sketcharchive (


Yes, I have seen those, but I'd like to see what artists here can do.