Another obscure recollection

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Another obscure recollection

It was back when Wren-Spot and inflate 123 were in the spotlight (not forgetting this community of course). I really think it was an article at inflate 123's R & D page (they used to have an update like every month). The story talked about a movie (or maybe a photo set) of a breast expansion sequence. The character is a blond woman in a white buttoned blouse and I think she played the role of a house-keeper. Of course the article is not without screenshots, I remember clearly: She is sitting on a couch in panic as her breasts began to round out and tighten her shirt. I also saw a quadruple screen comp. at but that image is probably gone now. Another screen I recall is her breasts pushing up against her face nipples ahoy! Anyway, this was back in the early 2000s (no later than 2002). It could be a now non-existent file or probably a lost treasure...


Sorry, can't help you with that one! There was a list of inflation scenes which used to float around and may have gradually expanded but i don't know what happened to it. I think you might find it on there.



Obscure reference man to the rescue!

Good news:
The video you refer to featured Plenty Uptopp as some kind of Maid/Housekeeper. I believe the 'plot' involved her drinking milk which caused her breasts to expand. The inflation is all pretend (starting with a tight buttoned up shirt then having her push out her chest to bust out of it along with clever camera angles and play acting.
I remember Plenty's acting being not to bad and I think she had a pretty good grasp of what she was supposed to do. While it's a long time since I've seen it (long since lost/deleted) it would be worth finding.

Bad news:
It was a custom vid comissioned from Plenty by a small group of BE fans. It was never supposed to be released outside that group but someone leaked it (much to the disgust of some of the people who paid for it). It floated around for the community for a little while then vanished.

Given that this was easily 10 years ago, I've not seen a trace of it anywhere since. While it's not impossible that someone has a copy stashed on a drive away somewhere, it certainly qualifies as lost treasure for now.


Obscure Reference Man, thank you for the info! At least it qualifies as something valid. I do remember some part of the text saying that you won't be fooled by the special effects but I must have misinterpreted that the process was simple "breast of fresh air."


More stuff like that needs to be commissioned sometime :/ Imagine what would happen if we found a good, willing actress to star in something...

Inflate123's picture
rjp101 wrote:
While it's not impossible that someone has a copy stashed on a drive away somewhere

I was one of the investors. Damn right I kept a copy. :)


Oh wow! So you've seen it too right? Is that copy still floating around then?

Inflate123's picture

I have it, yes. Floating It's in my do-not-distribute folder.

I am pretty sure Dr Enlarge was one of the main guys who set it up, and I think he took care of the heavy lifting of contacting, paying, all that stuff. Wren, were you in on this back in the day? This was very early days, probably in the late 90s, so there was a high amount of trust. I was unhappy when it leaked, not because I didn't want anybody to see it, but because we all put up a good chunk of cash for it, and we all were counting on each other not to share it and reveal our real identities and stuff like that. It wasn't the end of the world, it was just disappointing to see someone break that agreement.

If I commission artwork now, I almost always release it publicly -- but only two people are involved in that transaction, and I've never had an artist object to a public release. On this project, I can't remember exactly, but it was at least a half-dozen people, maybe more.

If everybody said "sure, it's been forever, release it," I'd be fine with it. But I do not feel comfortable passing it around without permission. It was a private commission and "the copyright is still valid" in my mind.


Wow I never thought it was that valuable. No problem, if it means that much to you. I would also hate to reveal my identity any further and such.

I am only here to try and remember old stuff that were once available during wren spot and your site. Would you also remember another comedy clip about this nurse who breast-feed a baby and her boobs were abnormally large? It was like an early 90s comedy clip and she would give so much milk that her boobs would be huge almost like chelsea charms size. I think the clips started with her chest size already huge...The baby was portrayed as an actual infant and other times a grown up actor pretending to be a baby (like overgrown infant drooling for mother's milk). There was a scene when the "adult" baby would burp and cause an earthquake. Another when the woman was reading on some stuff in bed and would try to sleep but her boobs would not let her head rest on the pillow. It was a bit funny to watch but in the end she gave up all her milk to the baby and ended up average chest size again. I think she was wearing some pinkish nurse uniform during the whole vid...but I would consider it another old treasure to think about heh.


Inflate123's picture

Hmm...that one I do not remember. I don't think it was on my site, anyway. Sounds Benny Hill-ish tho.


The clip Phantomcrow is talking about would almost certainly be "Wet Nurse," a 1981 spoof of medical programs from "SCTV (Second City Television)," the celebrated Canadian comedy show. Andrea Martin portrayed the title character, who, as Phantomcrow described, had an enormous chest. John Candy played the baby, who had grown to huge size thanks to the nurse's breast-feeding. The rest was basically as Phantomcrow described.

I remember someone mentioned it in the R&D (Research and Development) breast-expansion newsletter, but Inflate123 never put in his Vault.

You can find it here:

Or here (with commercials, but better picture quality):

Hope that helps.


gee thanks guys :D I'm only good with the visuals but not much in remembering names...You're right it is pretty Benny Hill like.

Inflate123's picture

Wow, I forgot ALL about that sketch!


Do you think that those involved in getting that video made would consider selling more copies of it? I would like to see it and wouldn't mind paying for it... Just a thought. Perhaps others would be willing to pay too??