To Be Desirable

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Trent frowns as the cold wind of winter whips across his face and he grabs the convenient store's door handle. He pulls the door open and rushes into the welcome warmth of the inside of the store. He slowly removes his gloves and wanders the small store looking for something to eat. He pauses at some cookies and movements on the other side of the chest high rack gets his attention. He sees a five foot nine, slim, girl with what looks to be a full c-cup or possibly d-cup breasts in a black sports bra. He wonders why on Earth she would wear a sports bra on such a cold day, but is glad she did. He frowns at the cookies and decides against them not wanting to get fat.

Trent sighs as he looks at the chips and the girl bounces over to him. He knows he looks like hell and to his surprise she talks to him. He notes her bluish hair with hints of blonde as she talks to him. He can feel the eyes of the clerk on them as she smiles and moves closer. She leans close coyly, showing her cleavage, and lowers a hand to his crotch. He smiles as he feels her hand groping his crotch and frowns as she pulls away. "That's a shame."

Trent frowns, "What?"

She says softly, "Not quite the size I want."

Trent curses his luck as anger burns throw him and he wonders how big she's looking for. Why did this have to happen? He's slightly bigger than average, but she wanted bigger? How big is she looking for? He curses and whispers silently, "I wish I were bigger."

Suddenly a pressure fills Trent, a soft his sounds, and a stretching of rubber sounds. He feels the pressure within pushing is body outward and he feels his baggy winter coat growing tighter. He frowns as the pressure tappers off and he notes he looks pudgy now. He curses the results of his wish, but is surprised to find his member has swelled a little as well. A smile spreads across his face as a plan forms and he knows he needs to hurry before she leaves the store. He whispers, "I wish I was bigger."

Suddenly the pressure returns, a soft his sounds, and the faint groaning of rubber sounds. Trent watches as his shoulders, sides, and belly round outward to fill the winter coat more. He smiles as the pressure tapers off and he rushes to rendezvous with the girl before she leaves the store. He finds the speed he usually has isn't there and his movement is hampered by his newly added bulk, but he meets her just before she reaches the door to leave. He smiles and works all the charm he has to convince her to check his size again. Trent laughs loudly as her eyes widen with shock, she invites him to come with her, and the two step out into the cold together.

Trent finds it a struggle to follow her with his new bulk, but he does the beat he can. He smiles as he watches her bounce toward her car at the side of the convenient store and notes the cold isn't bothering him as much as the cold wind blows across his face. Snowflakes flutter in from the dark, clouded, night sky and he knows the snow is starting.

Trent watches she slides her butt up onto the hood of the car. She smiles, "What's your name?"



Trent smiles as he reaches the car, "It's nice to meet you." He slides up carefully onto the hood beside her and the light snow whirls around them. He notices her shiver and pulls her close under his arm.

Emily smiles, "You're warm." Her hand drifts down to his crotch and she adds, "And big." She kisses him and undoes his pants. "How did you get so big?"

Trent smiles as he leans back to lay on the hood, "I wish I was bigger." His eyes widen as the pressure returns, a soft hiss sounds, and rubbery groans sound as his body expands. He watches as his belly rises skyward and the light snow falls around them.

Emily gently pushes on his expanded belly, "How did you do that? is this possible?"

Trent shrugs, "I don't know. I just say that and it happens."

Emily slides atop him and leans her head against his chest. "Can you get bigger?"


Emily says softly, "Get bigger....for me."

"I wish I was bigger."

Suddenly the soft hiss returns with the pressure and Trent's body issues rubbery groans as it expands. Emily is amazed as she feels it growing and expanding under neath her. Pops sound as the buttons of his coat are pulled apart by his expanding upper body. Emily gently prods his body with her hand as his expansion slows, "Incredible."

They kiss as the snow floats to the ground around them and Emily guides one of Trent's hands to one of her boobs. He agreeingly squeezes it and she moans softly as she kisses him. He smiles as she slides down the curve of his belly toward his crotch and his perverted mind produces possible scenarios. He sense her stop and watches as her head peaks up over the curve of his belly. He asks, "What?"

A brief smile appears on Emily's face, "Well it seems the cold is causing some shrinkage."

Trent frowns, "Shrinkage?" He doesn't feel cold or like he's gone soft, but he can't see over his large belly. If he goes by feeling, he feels huge and tight, but Emily is saying otherwise. He sighs, "I wish I was bigger."

The pressure returns with the soft hiss and the rubber groaning is louder as Trent stretches bigger. He feels himself growing both bigger and tighter as the snow falls and a few moans escape him. Emily giggles as his legs bloat to fill his pants and his arms pull his sleeves tight. The pressure tapers off and Emily smirks, "That's better, but you're not quite the size you were. You're close though."

Trent sighs, "I wish I was bigger."

Suddenly the pressure returns with the hiss and Trent's body groans loudly as it expands within his tight clothes. The pressure mounts and pops sound as seams give. He frowns as he feels his neck thicken and hands plump. The pressure leaves as the snow flutters across Trent's expanded body, "Am I big enough now?"

Emily giggles, "You're never going to fit back into these pants again." She shivers as the snow falls, "It's really coming down. We should go to my place where you'll be nice and comfortable if we get snowed in. I'll make sure of it."

Trent starts to sit up, but finds he can't. He tries again and finds he is unable to bend that way. He frowns, "I can't get up. I'm too big."

Emily giggles, grabs hold of his arm, and with a grunt pulls Trent to his feet. She leans close to his huge body and smiles, "You're big enough."

Trent grunts as he struggles to hobble after Emily as she walks to the side of the car and he finds he has a very limited range of motion now. Emily looks at her passenger door and then at Trent. "You're not going to fit in there. Maybe the backseat."

Trent frowns, "I won't fit? Just how big am I?"

Emily guides him to the backseat's door, "You're big enough. Now climb inside the snow is getting worse."

Trent slowly climbs in through the door and loud rubber squeaks sound as he gets stuck halfway in. He struggles and grunts, but the only results are loud rubber squeaks. "I'm stuck."

Emily gently pushes on Trent's back, "You're stuck?" She tries pulling him back out, but only rubber squeaks sound and he doesn't move. "Hold on, I have an idea."

"What's your idea?"

Emily runs as fast as she can through the falling snow and slams her body into the back of Trent, hoping to push him in. A horrible shriek of rubber sounds and a deafening boom sounds. Emily frowns in the backseat as shards of rubber float to the ground with the falling snow. She pouts, "He was big enough...."

Average: 3.9 (12 votes)
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To be perfect, she should have rammed his belly--and he should have seen it coming. Nice work!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. :)

AlecDeluxe's picture
Rave Review from Alec

I love stories about men inflating to try to impress women. Great women-popping-men stories are so hard to find. A real treasure.

I want to pop so much I could burst!

Thank you very much! I'm very

Thank you very much! I'm very glad you enjoyed it. :)