Captain Krono

Shock, The

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"James, please get off the computer and get to bed. It’s almost 11:30, and plus it’s poring outside. I don’t want the computer to get fried again from a power surge."

"Yeah, OK mom. I’ll be off in a few minutes. I’m just trying to get this program to run."

"OK dear, just hurry up and get to bed. You do have school tomorrow, I don’t care how easy the twelfth grade is."

Average: 3 (4 votes)

Green Finger

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Casino Rahara was an extremely busy upper-class castle. Royalty traveled from all parts of the world to the Mediterranean just to gamble there. Aside from all of the glitz and glamour, there was a secret in Casino Rahara. The owner, a mysterious man known as Drake, ran an underground counterfeiting operation. To secure the world's monetary system, the British secret service sent one of their top agents to investigate.

Average: 2.3 (3 votes)
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