
Green Implants

Green thought breast implants would pay for themselves in no time. And they did. In less than a night, she made several times the amount it cost to buy them, but it took even less time for them to figuratively turn her spine into dust. Don't feel too bad for her though, she actually did have the foresight to give the doctor a freebie in exchange for removing them for free if she didn't like them.

.......Did I really just present hyper-sized boobs as a bad thing?.......I need to go take my temperature.......

Green Implants
Average: 4 (6 votes)

Green Goes Blue

One of my OC Green's *ahem* customers spiked her drink with some kind of magical blueberry serum in order to get out of paying for her "services." By the time they had had their drinks, were done in his car, and it was time for him to give her the money, she was already blue. Before she could even begin to inflate though, everyone in the streets was panicking and evacuating, having mistaken her blue color as an indication of being poisonous to the touch, allowing the john to get away in all the chaos.

Green Goes Blue
Average: 3.7 (12 votes)

the frog girl and the ox

the frog girl and the ox
Average: 4.1 (14 votes)

the frog and the cow

the frog and the cow
Average: 3.4 (7 votes)

Commission Felicity Olivia

Commission  Felicity   Olivia
Average: 3.9 (7 votes)


Average: 3.9 (15 votes)
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