Breast Inflation

The Diary of an Inflatable Girl

The Diary of an Inflatable Girl

Average: 3 (7 votes)

Only in Cartoons

"Sweetie... Can you turn the tv down, please?" It was 16 years ago on a hazy afternoon. The outside heat bled against the windows as it stifled the cool breeze of the indoor air conditioning.
"Aww... Okay mom" A young girl, roughly 9 years old with short blonde hair, that dangled off her fringe, in front of her light cyan eyes, was sat next to the television. She reached forward, picking up the little black handset before pressing the rubber 'volume' button down. She looked back up at the set eagerly as her favourite program started.
Average: 4.2 (18 votes)

Shannon's Balloon Belly

Shannon is using a magic circle to blow herself up to massive proportions. As you can tell by her size, she's pretty skilled with magic geometry.

Shannon and Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

Shannon's Balloon Belly
Average: 3.9 (13 votes)

Hades and Megara

The Underworld, the Land of the Dead, the Nether Region, the Infernal Region and the House of Hades are just a few of the names given to the realm under the surface of our Earth. It’s the place where the souls of the recently departed go. Divided into three regions, the first was for the common folk, the second for all the evildoers and the last was the resting place for the most exceptional of mortals, The Elysian Fields.

Average: 4 (7 votes)


Average: 4 (22 votes)

Introduced to Inflation

Sexual Content:

It was a typical girls night out, and it was my misfortune to be the designated driver. I dutifully herded my increasingly blotto girlfriends from club to club, and as the night wore on I eventually ended up dropping them off at their various homes. Soon I was left with only Trina to safely escort home, and then I could call it a night.

Trina was the oddball of the group. She seemed to live in her own little magical world of unicorns and glitter. A sweet girl, just operating on some weird wavelength nobody could quite figure.

Average: 4.4 (27 votes)


Inflation Types:
Average: 4.1 (9 votes)

Cheeky blows em away

Cheeky blows em away
Average: 4.3 (34 votes)

Game, The



They woke up in a regularly lit room. Four Females (over 20) were lying on the floor, naked, and no clue how they got

there. The room had no  windows, but had a classy wallpaper, red rugs, and a chandaleer haning from the 

middle. Clair, a Brunet girl at 5ft 10in sat up and surveyed her surroundings. The other girls seemed as 

bewildered as she was. She was about to say something when a voice came from the ceiling. 


Average: 3.4 (14 votes)

Eye of Helios II: The Curse of Helios

Alisa knew she had only herself to blame for her current predicament.  She had had a difficult but rewarding life as an acrobat in her family's circus, and then an easy life when her parents won the jackpot in the state lottery.  When she found that retirement didn't suit her, she ran away from home as a teenager, and joined a gang of bank and museum robbers.  Her formidable talents made them and her a lot of money, but still she wasn't satisfied.  Striking out on her own, she pulled off heist after incredible heist, until her fortune made her parents' pale in comparison

Average: 4.1 (12 votes)
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