Female Inflation

4 Wishes Chapter 1

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

I had just gotten back to my appartment and I was ready to give up. School was killing me, those popular bimbos were complaining about me, and my friend was being a bipolar asshole. 

I decided to go straight to my computer and look two things up. Now, before I tell you anymore, let me tell you three of my favorite things to do while 'stationed' at my computer: Video games, drink iced tea, and satisfy my 'thirst' for inflation. Body Inflation to be exact.

Average: 3.2 (5 votes)

One Hot Sundae

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

It was hot, sweaty day beautiful if enjoyed on the beach or in the local park, however Becky was stuck in her shitty chub burger uniform which did nothing to show off her killer body, which she obtained courtesy of an air capsule. Her ass was full and round straining her tight slacks and her E cup breasts pushed against her polo shirt and caused it to expose her tight flat belly a little.

Average: 4.1 (9 votes)

Skarlet Inflatality

Skarlet Inflatality
Average: 4.3 (9 votes)

Inflating latex hourglass suit

Inflating latex hourglass suit
Average: 4.2 (21 votes)

Inflatable hourglass suit

Inflatable hourglass suit
Average: 4.1 (14 votes)

HarleyQuinn Blueberry 6

HarleyQuinn Blueberry 6
Average: 4.2 (37 votes)

HarleyQuinn Blueberry 5

Inflation Types:
HarleyQuinn Blueberry 5
Average: 4.3 (32 votes)


Sexual Content:

Jess was hot, she knew this and loved showing it off. Even the teachers at her college couldn’t resist her looks. She was a tanned, raven haired, 5 foot 7 thing of beauty and once again she knew it. Her body was composed of a flat stomach, pert arse and large DD tits. Today as she walked down the hall of her college she was dressed in a tight tank top, leather jacket with a pair of short shorts and high top sneakers. Every male shot her a glance even some of the girls as she wandered to class.

“Man I’ve got a lot of choice today” smirked Jess

Average: 3.6 (13 votes)

Air Freshener

Sexual Content:

Nina walked up the stairs to her bedroom after a long day of school. She was absolutely miserable. She had barely slept a wink the previous night, she had gym class today, she had a metric shit-ton of homework to do, and her boyfriend of two years broke up with her to date some big-titted skank. She needed that like she needed a bullet to the head. She tore into her room and threw her bag onto the floor; she wasn’t even gonna do that homework tonight, she’s too tired. She just wanted to take a nap and forget about her boyfriend being a prick.

Average: 3.3 (21 votes)

Modern-Day Hansel and Gretel, A

This follows the familiar tale of “Hansel and Gretel,” yet it has some interesting twists.  We find ourselves in modern-day America, where witches are uncommon and resourceful children abound.  We meet Jennifer and Jack, our sister/brother team.  The story opens with our duo returning from a retreat in a remote part of the state.

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)
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