

Inflation Types:
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It all worked very easily. Elodie dragged her fingertips across the rubber buttons on the remote. It all worked smoothly, the system having been perfected and reperfected over decades and much like how one eventually figured out the immaculate way to fix the cogs of a clock, someone had figured out how to perfect this. The remote.

Average: 3.2 (6 votes)

Mask, The

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I came jogging around the corner trotting up in the parking lot of the apartment complex I lived at. I panted and wheezed. Jogging always took a lot out of me. My purple exercise outfit, clinging tightly against me like a second skin, creaked at the seams as my large 68GG's bounced heavily with every jostling step.

Average: 3 (6 votes)

Friday Night Flight

My friend Wendy had called me and invited me out for a Friday evening of fun. She called at 5pm and told me to meet her at her friends place at 7:30pm. I was excited about going out but not meeting at Arlene's. Arlene and I had never gotten along. She had always had something against me. It had been years since her old boyfriend had dumped her for me…and another guy who did the same thing to her… and another guy who did the same thing to her.

Average: 2.5 (8 votes)

Inflation Unknown

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With a paycheck cashed and bills paid and a little extra money left over (unbelieveably so!), I had decided to go out to the mall and do a little shopping. Dressed in tight bun-hugging jeans and a deep vee-neck tight yellow t-shirt that showed off way too much of my cleavage, I walked about browsing the clothing stores and novelty shoppes. With my big 68GG's bouncing and jiggling in my top, I stopped into a jewelry store to check out my best friends.

Average: 2.8 (6 votes)

Blow by Blow Tale #4: All Dressed Up with No Room to Grow

Helia and I were invited to a costume party and Helia had plans for both our costumes. I was not going to argue with her but she was pretty good with stuff like that.

I walked to Helia's house and knocked on the door. "I'm in the backyard!" she yelled sweetly. I walked into her backyard. Helia stood there in her costume. She was dressed as Sailor Moon. She even had that cute Odango Attama hairdo Sailor Moon has.

"Helia, you know Lisa Harrison said she was going as Sailor Moon, didn't you?"

"Yes, love, but I'm going to be a bigger and better Sailor Moon than Lisa." Helia tells me.

Average: 2.9 (11 votes)

Movie Mishap

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“And she tends to be a pain in the butt” Sakura said as she chatted with Lexi at a Starbucks. After their initial ‘meeting’, the two had become good friends. Sakura was very understanding about Lexi’s condition, as was Lexi of Sakura’s bust.

“Sounds like she is troublesome” Lexi said, in slight though as she sipped her coffee. She had made sure there wasn’t anything that could set off another bust blowup.

“And don’t even get me started on her favorite game to play at my expense” Lexi looked at Sakura quizzically. “And that is...?”

Average: 2.7 (3 votes)

Alice In'flation Land

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"Alice, Pay attention!" 
"What?..." Alice responded as if daydreaming.

Average: 3 (4 votes)

Big Debbie's Diving Mishap

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Big Debbie’s Diving Mishap

By Latecomer

Revision #2

February 2012

Average: 3.8 (8 votes)


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It was a big, rambling three bedroom, three bath house. In the center was a huge open area with a vaulted ceiling that contained a living room, kitchen, and dining room. I fell in love with it immediately. But there was no way I could afford the rent by myself. If only I could get some roommates... I thought.

Average: 3.9 (19 votes)

My first blueberry story

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I just couldn’t believe it. Finally I was going to live my lifelong dream of becoming a blueberry. I had always had a fascination with that scene in the movie, so the idea of becoming a big, round, juicy fruit was so addicting.

It was a shady company, but I trusted them. They led me into a big, padded room with a slick floor. There were mirrors everywhere so I could look at myself as I transformed. They assigned me a handler, Megan. She was pretty with long blonde curly hair and chunky legs.

Average: 3.7 (16 votes)
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