Full Body Inflation


Inflation Types:

"Hmmm..." Shina pondered.

The burglar knelt at the end of a dimly-lit stone hallway, ear pressed against a stout wooden door, absorbed in process of probing its lock. Once she was through, there was nothing standing between her and the job of a lifetime. There was of course one detail that had made the venture the job of a lot of other people's lifetimes, and not long ones at that, but she had an ace up her sleeve for that eventuality. Probably.

Average: 4.1 (14 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

The hissing started out quiet. At first, Lynn didn’t even notice, as she was lost in her book. However, as her stomach gave a loud gurgle, she felt some sort of… gas push into her abdomen. With a free hand, she rubbed her stomach, feeling her skin stretch. “What…” She murmured to herself, sitting upright from the couch. She set the book down, placing both hands on her stomach.

Average: 4.2 (19 votes)

Hot for Teacher

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

I was staying late to finish up my art project. As usual, I was the last one to finish, using every last minute before the deadline. I was not completely alone, however. She was still working as well--sitting at her desk, grading the last assignments before the much anticipated and needed break, listening to the quiet sounds of Dave Grohl, Chris Cornell, and the like.

Average: 3.7 (14 votes)

Dance Till You Pop

Inflation Types:

Lights illuminate the dance floor as Sammy stepped into the club, men and women dancing around as a faint hissing fills the air.  She proudly steps in, her stretchy dress already expanding a bit as people gaze at her.  In a club where being the center of attention gives you a literal overinflated ego, clubs could be dangerous… or the greatest night of your life, if you knew how to play your cards right.  Sammy looked around, watching girls of varying sizes dancing and having fun with other people around them, each one dancing with them blowing the girls bigger by attention al

Average: 3.9 (15 votes)

Shrine of the Water Elemental

"The Water Elemental's Shrine lies to the north of the village, in a high enclave accessible only to those who know the source of all oceans. She is the mother of all rivers, all streams, all manners of water, and is a very deep, intuitive lady. It is said that she formed the valleys by letting her streams run free through the once flat lands, eventually wearing them down with their weight alone. Only the firmest and most resolute of land remained, and thereupon we have mountains.

Shrine of the Water Elemental
Average: 3.7 (7 votes)

Vortex Man Vs. Dr. Elemental

“Nooooo!  Curse you, Vortex Man!  Once again, I, the great and powerful sorcerer, Dr. Elemental, have been defeated!  But I will win next time, Vortex Man!  Here, take one of my famous curses as I get away!  MUAHAHAHA!”  The deranged old man points a finger at you, shouts “ees uoy gniht txen eht knird yletelpmoc lliw uoy!”  And runs off, the orderlies chasing after him.

Average: 3.3 (6 votes)

My Favorite Spell

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Immaculate yellow banners flap in the light breeze from on high in the towers.  The grass is growing again after a long winter, and the birds are returning to nest in the trees.  Animals return from hibernation, bringing new and interesting fauna to the sights around the castle.  The early afternoon light bathes the courtyard in its warm glow, illuminating the dozens of finely crafted statues of men and women having sex in increasingly lewd positions, many indescribable by mortal words.  Truly, Maringyon is the most prestigious school for succubi and incubi alike, teachi

Average: 4 (9 votes)

Office balloons

One ordinary day at the office, after a secret came out in the open, you and an office worker are having a small, rather exciting chat, in front of an awesome spectacle :


Colleague : I think they've had enough, maybe we should stop pumping now... Don't you think?

Office balloons
Average: 4.3 (15 votes)

Balloon Girl: Animated

Balloon Girl: Animated
Average: 4.3 (17 votes)

Attention, Passengers

“Attention passengers, Flight 17 has been moved from gate 125 to gate 14 due to technical difficulties.  Please make your way to…”

“Attention passengers, Flight 17 has been moved from gate 14 to gate 92.  Please…”

“Attention passengers, Flight 17…”

Average: 4.4 (23 votes)
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