Full Body Inflation


I wake up next to my beautiful wife. She is sleeping with her back to me, snoring softly. Her curvy hips are easily seen through the light sheet draped across her. I look over her and out the open door to the balcony. Through the screen I see nothing but darkness of the morning. Soon a beautiful tropical sunrise would illuminate the Hawaiian paradise outside. I carefully climb out of bed so not to disturb her.

Average: 4.1 (14 votes)

Tall, Dark, and Handsome

Inflation Types:

Anna didn't have to be a mind reader to know that something was wrong with Molly.  For the past few days she had been distracted and listless, often staring into space when she should have been working.  Even on their days off she spent time on the balcony, looking out towards the sea and sighing wistfully to herself.  She also didn't need to be a mind reader to know what that something was.

"Come on," Anna said. "Tell me."

Molly glanced over her shoulder before sighing and turning back towards the water. "Tell you what?"

Average: 4 (5 votes)

Center of Attention 7

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

When he woke up from his nap he found himself alone in her apartment.  It was a bit confusing since they had gone out that morning and she said she wanted to do something with him when they returned.  That wasn't a problem so much as the "something" being a complete unknown.  At first he assumed she wanted to obtain other somethings for the first something without him knowing, but after a glance and subsequent double-take out the window he realized that she had something else in mind.

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

She said it was a joke, but I didn't think it would get this out of hand.

Yesterday she told me to come over in the morning, so she could show me something that she saw online.  When I arrived she brought me up to the roof, where she pulled out a large gas tank and a hose with an elastic loop around the end.  She urged me on to put the hose in my mouth, the strap keeping it in place, after which she would fill me with gas.  As a joke, she repeated.  I thought it was strange but it seemed innocent enough, so I did as I was told.

Average: 3.7 (9 votes)

Explosive Event, An

I sit on the floor, casually lounging as I fill yet another balloon. There's still several hours before the party, so I haven't gotten dressed yet; I'm wearing a simple pair of panties and a form-fitting white tanktop. I sigh. "Man, who knew blowing balloons would take so long?" I lament, turning to you.

You're sitting on a chair in jeans and a white t-shirt, using a pump to fill the balloons. "Well, it's a good thing we have this pump. It could be a lot slower," you note, with a smirk.

I pout. "Well, I suppose. Still, next time we should just buy them, I guess."

Average: 4.3 (19 votes)

The Bus Stop Pt. 2: Useless Lesbians

Wayne had been in some odd situations in his lifetime, that much was certain. Being inflated like a balloon, carried home like a cheap toy, tied down to a balcony railing and left to float in the breeze, however, certainly took the cake in his opinion. Even now the sensations of both the air swirling around inside him and the pressure it brought as well as the feeling of every cold winter breeze magnified against his taut, sensitive skin still felt indescribably alien to him.

Average: 4.1 (14 votes)

Future of Fashion, The

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

The building was rather sleek, a total contrast to the surrounding strip mall. It's walls stark white and window panes tinted grey, somewhat obscuring it's interior. Bright, neon purple letters spelling out Laurent hung next to the front door.  The aforementioned door was in constant motion, as several customers walked in and out happily.

Average: 3.6 (7 votes)

Male inflation

Male inflation
Average: 4.1 (12 votes)

Bus Stop, The

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

“It was fucking garbage, Wayne.”

“Hey, cmon, I liked it.”

“Oh, you liked a mindless action movie with scantily clad Hollywood women and explosions every 5 minutes? Stop the presses!”

This argument between Wayne and Sylvia had been going on like this from the moment they walked out of the theatre right up until now, as a promising anniversary date was slowly turned sour by the Hollywood machine.

“It's not my fault if you can't appreciate the nuance and subtext of a movie like this.”

Average: 4.4 (16 votes)

Pool Balloon

Inflation Types:

One of the benefits of living near the coast in a warm climate was the ready availability of beaches.  Unfortunately for Atsuko and Marissa this was common knowledge so, for fully half the year, they had to deal with overcrowding and tourists whenever they wanted to go swimming.  Eventually, between the congested parking lots and small children, they decided that enough was enough and started doing laps in a public pool within driving distance of the shore that was ignored to the point of nearly being abandoned.


Average: 4.3 (15 votes)
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