
Filling The Hoizon

"So Linda, why did you bring me up here at the edge of the cliff, and what's with that stupid air-tank you ve been carrying around?" Amaya said, while her confused look was straight upon Linda, as both girls were watching the ocean spread on the horizon.

Filling The Hoizon
Average: 4.2 (11 votes)

Mary the impatient

"What is wrong with you?" Jeanne yelled to Rachel "How are you supposed to fit that huge thing in the pooltoy's valve? are you stupid?" She kept yelling, pointing on the thick hose Rachel had in her hands. Mary just relaxed back on the grass and waited for the girls to get the pool toy ready for their water games today, but for her bad luck Rachel who happened to be the inflator, was at her first attempt at inflating a pool toy ever and quite inexperienced, and from what it seemed soon to have trouble with an angry and inpatient Jeanne....

Mary the impatient
Average: 4.1 (14 votes)

Just a Boring Field Trip - Part 4

Just a boring field trip, Part 4.

Just a Boring Field Trip - Part 4
Average: 4.1 (10 votes)

Christmas Inflation

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

You let out a satisfied sigh as you lay back in the recliner of your living room, having just gotten out of the shower and wearing nothing but a tight-fitting robe. Your right hand occupies a mug of hot chocolate, freshly brewed and steaming. The only source of light is a warmth-emmiting fireplace, it's orange flickering of light casting surreal shadows across the room. You spent a lot of time setting the tree up and decorating it with various shiny objects and small lights, and your work seems to have paid off because it looks absolutely gorgeous.

Average: 3.5 (11 votes)


Average: 1.3 (3 votes)

Lighter than Hydrogen

The dream of being lighter than air was not an easy one to accomplish. True, everyone knew of dirigibles and hot-air balloons and other things of the sort, but it just was nothing compared to an individual’s joy of taking flight and soaring among the birds. If only humanity could become lighter than air, they’d achieve this dream easily. Yet no one had much of a choice; it would have taken someone far more helium or even hydrogen than they could readily gather to take flight, and ever since Hindenburg people knew of the dangers of the latter gas.

Average: 4.4 (18 votes)

Lighter than Hydrogen

After a few months of painstaking scientific labor, Number 21 finally created a gas that is even lighter than hydrogen (and a lot more inert, too). Obviously, she chose to demonstrate this to the scientific community by filling herself up with it.

Number 21, Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

A/N: I also created a story to go along with this pic! Link to be added when I upload it.

Lighter than Hydrogen
Average: 3.7 (9 votes)

Back-Up Plan, The

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

The Back-Up Plan

FYI - For those of you who are unfamiliar with my earlier works about Danielle and her amazing inflating breasts, you might want to read (or reread) my stories called “The Dream” and “A Growing Problem” as refreshers, since this the second sequel to “The Dream”.



Danielle had thought that it was finally under control.

Average: 4.1 (9 votes)


Sexual Content:

She strode barefoot across the sands, wavy black hair blowing in the wind behind her.  Tall, tanned, and athletic, her red one-piece swimsuit hugged her form, leaving nothing to the imagination.  It was a clear day, and the beach had more than a few visitors, some of whom had noticed her arrival.  She knew she would attract attention - and even more, soon enough - though she paid it no mind.  What others thought, or would think, was of no concern to her.

Average: 3.7 (9 votes)


Average: 3.6 (7 votes)
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