
Emma's Detention

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Boredom, that’s what Emma had suffered for the last 10 minutes, and ten minutes was enough for her. She was a blonde haired, curvy girl with C cups and a large ass. She was hounded by most of the boys in college as the hottest girl but Emma was already taken, off limits to all but her bf Max and she loved it, teasing all the boys and some girls too.

Average: 3.8 (15 votes)

Adventuring Hazard

In time immemorial there stood in the antediluvian land of Mnar a great city of men; the City of Sarnath. It was a true metropolis, bustling with merchants and fortune seekers from all reaches of the known world. The bandage-wrapped talisman peddlers of Noor, the diminutive lizard beings of Outer Foth, even the fabled moon-beings could all be found wandering the winding streets and bazaars of Great Sarnath, hawking and buying things ranging from fine bronze blades to black lotus to dyed bolts of silk.

Average: 3.4 (5 votes)

Daisy P-Balloon

Daisy P-Balloon
Average: 4.4 (13 votes)

veruca fizzy lifting drink

veruca fizzy lifting drink
Average: 4.2 (21 votes)

The Brush

The Brush
Average: 4.4 (17 votes)

Best Surprise, The

I walk into our house through the front door.  Stepping into the living with the high, vaulted ceiling, I see you.  You stand in the middle of the room, in a sexy set of red lingerie: thigh-high stockings, a thong, a garter belt, and a bra.  Your luscious brown hair is down, flowing over your beautiful face, slender shoulders, and resting on your curvaceous breasts.  You walk up to me seductively, with a devilish look on your face.  You stand up on your tiptoes and wrap your arms around my head and kiss me passionately.  My hands instinctively

Average: 4.6 (29 votes)

Mighty Heroines vs The Ballooner, The

It is a fairly typical day in Goodhaven. The city was blessed with good weather and clear skies, as usual. But something diabolical was lurking at the nearby circus…

Under the big top, a clown known as The Ballooner was being told off by her boss, the pompous ringmaster.

“No, you fool,” The ringmaster, a stuffy man said in a conceited voice. “You are done here. Your last act sent the audience running for the hills! You are bad for business. I’m afraid I must ask you to pack your things and leave at once.” But the clown only sneered.

Average: 3.6 (7 votes)

Suit, The

Inflation Types:

She walked up to her house and put the key in the lock, this was hard to do, and she was shaking slightly so she couldn't get the key into the lock.

"Pull yourself together" she thought. She composed herself and put the key in. She turned it and the door swung open and she stepped in, picked up the mail and put it on the stairs.

She walked up the stair to her room, the package she had bought under one arm. She opened the door to her room, walked over to the bed and pushed the balloons that were on there onto the floor.


Average: 3.8 (8 votes)

[VIDEO] - Hot in Cleveland, The Animated Episode

Hot in Cleveland, Season 5 Episode 18, The Animated Episode

Joy sneaks away to try out the Inflatorator, a device that "pumps and pumps your boobs and ass." She does this despite being warned that "it's still very much in the experimental stage."

Click Here to Download (5.8MB)

[VIDEO] - Hot in Cleveland, The Animated Episode
Average: 4.1 (15 votes)

Katty and Lizzy's Flights of Fun

Since Katty and Lizzy are good friends, they of course enjoy each other's company, whether it be hanging out with their respective older sisters, sleeping over, or (in this case) blowing up their bellies into big balloons and floating away into the sky for a fun romp through the clouds. Nothing beats an excursion like that, after all.

Katty and Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

Lizzy (c) Joseph Staleknight and Marioblade64

Katty and Lizzy's Flights of Fun
Average: 3.2 (5 votes)
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