
Eye of Helios, The

Alisa could have had the easy life. Almost as soon as she could walk, she’d been trained as an acrobat in her family’s circus. It was long, hard work for little reward, but she accepted it as her calling and put all her heart into it. Then, when she was 12, a lottery ticket bought on a whim made the family instant multi-millionaires. Almost overnight, her parents shut down the circus and retired to a life of luxury. But Alisa knew she’d never be happy with everything just handed to her on a platter, and after a few months of “retirement”, she ran away from home.

Average: 4.2 (9 votes)

Five Suns to Showdown

Act I

Nikki looked out the window and blew out a bored sigh. The early autumn sun beat down on the campus. Nikki looked at the stack of printouts before her, then at her watch. Three hours until quitting time, six to party time. She ran a hand through her black hair and blinked her clear blue eyes with exaggerated slowness. She adjusted her slightly-too-tight red and black horizontally-striped shirt. She lifted the next printout from the stack.

Average: 2.3 (3 votes)

Dirigi-Belle’s Debut

An odd object floated gently over the city, drifting lazily on the warm summer breeze. At a glance, anyone on the ground would’ve thought it was a weather balloon, but when the object caught the moon’s light at just the right angle, they would see that it was silvery as opposed to the white of any conventional weather balloon. But anyone who spotted it would’ve been too far away to notice that the balloon was oddly dimpled in five separate places and was connected to what looked like two more silver balloons sitting side by side.

Average: 4.2 (15 votes)

Community Service

Danielle felt a hand slide up the inside of her thigh and stifled a surprised squeal.

She was instantly flooded with some rather vivid memories of the last… however long it had been.  In that moment Danielle recalled the feeling of her legs growing thicker and thicker until she couldn’t move them anymore.  Now, of course, the hand wasn’t really touching her leg at all; she had no legs to touch.  It just felt like they were still there… sort of.

Average: 3.5 (11 votes)


It took five agonizing minutes before Claudia was able to work up the nerve to knock on the door. It only took a few moments for the house’s occupant to open the door.”He..hello Brooke.” She spoke nervously as she gazed at the face of her former nemesis.

Average: 3.5 (4 votes)


This was impossible. For brunette average punk rock girl Lily today was impossible… or rather what had happened to her was impossible. She’d been out most of the day and then come home to a not entirely unusual sight on its own. An uninflated balloon sitting on her table top in her bedroom by her laptop. What was unusual was the presence of a small note beside it on pink card… Do not pop.

Average: 2.6 (5 votes)

Curious Case of Wendy’s Pregnancy, The

Wendy took deep, slow, breaths, trying to steel herself for the task at hand.  All she wanted to do was sit inside with the curtains drawn, safe from the prying eyes of her curious neighbors.  But the newspapers had piled up by the dozens at the end of her driveway, and she knew they’d attract burglars unless she took care of them.  And going outside presented profound challenges in her current state.

Average: 3.9 (8 votes)

Frog Who Became Bigger than the Ox, The

She made it. Little Anna “The Frog” Salientia just won over the gigantic reigning world woman
bodybuilding champion Reina “The Ox” Angus.

“You look swollen like a balloon about to burst any minute! Please STOP! YOU’LL EXPLODE!”
complained Ranae, her worried sister, just before she entered the stage about two hour
ago. “I’m not about to… BURST, I’m about… to… WIN!” barely managed to say Anna, her face
all red, her balloon body at absolute breaking point. And indeed, she was now the best and the
biggest ever.

Average: 3.5 (4 votes)

Unlikely Heroine

From the Journal of Netia, Journeyman Mage

Moonfall 3rd

We did it. Vilroth is dead.

Actually, Sabi did it, amazingly. I’ve wondered why Harek would allow a barmaid to join his band. Being pretty, flirting, and collecting tips aren’t useful skills on a world-saving quest.

Average: 4.2 (6 votes)

Intertwined Histories of Human Ballooning, Diving Rescues, and the Inflation Olympics: A Personal History

The Intertwined Histories of Human Ballooning, Diving Rescues, and the Inflation Olympics:

A Personal History

 by Latecomer


Average: 4 (7 votes)
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