
Supergirl: Maid of Rubber

Inflation Types:

The clouds were gathering for a horrendous thunderstorm, and Joe and Mitch were just finishing their robbery of an electronics store. Taping their work with a stolen camcorder, they were interrupted when a familiar figure in blue flew down in front of them.

"Oh shit, it's Supergirl" exclaims Joe.

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)


Sexual Content:

Amanda runs a brush through her long brunette hair in front of the mirror as she gets ready for work.

"Damn I look good, too bad it goes to waste in an office job that makes me wear such unflattering clothing." she says while pressing her hands to her skirt and smoothing out the wrinkles. She takes a few more minutes just gazing at herself in the mirror, how her black button-down blouse stays snug to her figure, but doesn't show off her chest. She turns around to look at her ass in the mirror and sighs. The skirt makes her look flat in the butt, much flatter than she really is.

Average: 3.3 (9 votes)

I Love Bees

Inflation Types:

Irin and the bee girl, Bella, both stood there in the room staring each other in the face. Irin was still in those clothes she had stretched out moments ago. The blue shirt was now at least 20 sizes too big for her. Her pants were also having difficulty staying on, she had to use one hand to hold them up, but her pink underwear was still exposed slightly.

Average: 2.7 (3 votes)

Inflatable Infiltration

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Calisea's desire for a hasty departure to Stormwind was halted by the Shattered hand, much to her dismay. Her guild had taken the liberty of having her fitted for some human sized clothing, Calisea having been forced to also endure an unbelievably boring lecture on human culture by an orc elder. At last, the guild deemed her prepared for her lengthy task, Calisea packing for what could be a very long time away from home.

Average: 3 (6 votes)

Widest Link, The

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Hello my name is Julie, about 2 months ago I saw a tv commercial advertising a new game show called 'The Widest Link'.

My boyfriend turned to me and said:

"That looks interesting and your good at game shows-well shouting the answers at the tv anyway"

He had a point it seems so easy from the couch. So I thought why not? and I jumped online and filled out an application.

A few weeks later I received an email back saying I'd got a place on the pilot episode, all I had to do was get to New York next weekend.

Average: 3.8 (13 votes)

Inflation Fashion Runway

Inflation Types:

Have you ever heard of fashion runways? Well for certain kinds of people, mainly girls, there’s a special kind of fashion runway called the Inflation Fashion Runway. Girls age 16 to 21 can participate in the fashion runway, only if they can take the pressure. Let’s go on to the story of one particular girl named Kayla.

Average: 3 (6 votes)


Nelia was running out of energy. She closed her eyes, and forced another surge of power into the spell. More air filled her, and her body stretched to accommodate it. She opened her eyes to see Maren rising above her again. Dammit!

Nelia had studied magic harder than any other student. By her third year she’d surpassed everyone.

Average: 4.4 (8 votes)

Liquid L.E.A.D. part 2

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

It was Monday and I was back to work, all I could think about was going home and inflating. Some time, during lunch, I sat at my desk, and decided I needed to call my discovery something. Later that day, while getting ready to go home, I was stopped by security. I was escorted to the presidents’ office. He was an older gentleman with gray hair, brown eyes, tired face and a course voice from all the cigar smoking in his years. They security guard escorted me to the chair and I sat down. Hans, he began, so did everyone else, no one like to say my full name.

Average: 2 (5 votes)

Wicked Game

Aether Price flew through the afternoon sky, her blue eyes tracing a route along the rooftops toward the building targeted in her police scanner’s latest dispatch. Already she could see the halo of emergency vehicles surrounding it, and with a swish of her arms, another gust of air filled her gold cape and propelled her swiftly onward.

She landed beside a flashing squad car, her blonde bobcut swishing in the breeze. The police captain ran over to greet her.

Average: 3.2 (6 votes)

Vinylady vs. The Penetrator

Vinylady floated imposingly over the battered bad guy. “It should help you in court that the launch codes aren’t compromised,” she reassured him. Her pink and black day costume shone wetly in the noonday sun.

As federal agents dragged Captain Klepto off, however, he cackled, “No, but you will be!”

Average: 3.7 (6 votes)
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