
Going to a Ball

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Jennifer was getting ready to go out to the club night that she and her boyfriend Keith liked to frequent. It was at a local nightclub, but it was let out for fetish nights once a month, and this night was a particularly good night as Jennifer had recently acquired a brand new catsuit.

Average: 3.9 (9 votes)

Through Thick And Thicker

Inflation Types:
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Dr. Ramon Duke’s address to the 2012 BBW INFLATE! Conference

Transcribed by Latecomer


Average: 2.8 (4 votes)

Call of the Slime Queen, The

The city of Crystalgate had always held the tale of the Black Witch. A woman that generations ago kidnapped dozens of young women but only the heaviest of the city's women. The tale goes that she ate them all or stole their youth. The tale itself isn't too false, there was a sleeping menace just outside the city and was just awakening. In an abandon fort a mile down the road from Crystalgate, the Black Witch awoke.

Average: 3.7 (13 votes)

Musings 3: First-Timers

Sexual Content:

The story of how I got here is kind of a crazy one, but I've talked about it before. Those of you who are curious about my backstory can find it easily enough, I'm sure.

Average: 4.3 (18 votes)

Make Me Big


By Latecomer


Average: 3.9 (16 votes)

Storage module 4:310

Inflation Types:
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Storage module 4:310

Average: 2.9 (7 votes)

Bubblegum Staci

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Staci skipped cheerfully down the sidewalk. It was a bright and sunny day out in San Francisco, and as she returned home from high school, she decided to take a small detour through the city's market place. Rows of buildings passed by as she happily made her way through the shops.

People smiled and waved at her as she walked by. Staci wouldn't consider herself popular, but she certainly was friendly to everyone who met her. She was that happy-go-lucky type who just wished to get along with everyone.

Average: 3.9 (11 votes)

Soda Reaction

Inflation Types:

She never knew why, but for as long as Molly could remember, she's always had this.. weird reaction to soda. Every time she had a sip, she would belch constantly and swell up like a balloon. She first found this out at her friend's 10th birthday party. She was offered a Coke, and suddenly the party had an additional balloon.

Average: 2.9 (9 votes)

Not a Word

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Sarah began to sob as the full weight of her predicament sank in. The torn scraps of garments and undergarments scattered around her were all sore reminders of her current state. Unable to move, she simply flapped her hands and kicked her feet, rocking slightly as she did so. Her face, visible only down to her lower lip for the sheer size of her body, was beet red, with tears trickling down her puffed-out cheeks. Squeaking sounds emanated from her naked, spherical body whenever she moved even slightly, like the turgidity of a balloon being tried and tested by any force acting against it.

Average: 3.9 (11 votes)

Of Love and Inflation

Inflation Types:
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"Let me help you Claire!" Jennifer yelled through a door, Claire inside the bathroom doing something. "I've got it! I don't need somebody to help me put make-up on..." She called back, looking into the mirror and sighing. She applied lipstick which was a lovely shade of crimson, and some blush, looking a little awkward as she did it.Earlier that day, Jennifer had tried to get Claire to go out on a date with one of her friends from college, and after many, many hours of annoyance, Claire finally caved. As a final touch, she put on some dark eye shadow and opened the door, Jennifer gasping.

Average: 3 (6 votes)
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