
One Sip and Your Clothes Rip

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Fourth week in the market, and it was official. Bloating Soda was an unrivalled success. Ariel stood in her new office, smiling as she looked out on the city. Her soda was the only one of its kind on the shelves, so there was almost no competition. To be fair, a soft drink that tasted good and made your gut inflate like a balloon was a pretty original idea.

Average: 3.1 (7 votes)

Inflation Competiton, The

“Oh… My… God!” Sarah exclaimed as she and her friends (Amy and Kayla) pulled up to the house where they were holding the competition. As they got out of the car all of them screamed in excitement for what was awaiting them inside. They grabbed their luggage from the back of the Kayla’s car and went inside. The building was small on the outside… but as you walked in, it seemed bigger on the inside.

Average: 1.7 (6 votes)

Bad First Day, A

Sexual Content:

It was decided that an all female superhero team should be formed to combat evil. After much discussion, it was decided that the team should be comprised of Spider Woman, X-23, Scarlet Witch, and Firestar, with The Wasp as team leader. The team was called in for their first mission when a villain known as The Inflator was attacking downtown New York. As the the heroins flew to the scene in their jet, Firestar asked, “Why is he called “The Inflator”?”

“I don't know,” replied Wasp. “I guess we'll find out.”

Average: 3.1 (8 votes)

Balloon Prisoner, The

Inflation Types:

The day started the same as most days, I woke up late, got abuse from my boss all day! Along with countless looks and comments from the male workforce.

"God I hate this job" I muttered to myself.

As I sat down for lunch I got a phone call from my mother.

"Ergh that's all I need" I thought.

Average: 2.6 (9 votes)

How to Be a Better Hostess

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The glass hit the bar with a muffled thunk and a bit of foam slid down the side as Nadia placed the pint of bitter in front of the patron. He didn't even look up at her as she placed it, instead, he just kept his head down as he drew the glass closer to himself. Long greasy locks of hair hung limply down in front of his face, obscuring it from view. He didn't look around much while he drank his beer, choosing to study his rapidly diminishing beverage and listen to the angry thumping music that came from the bar's stage.

Average: 3 (4 votes)


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I grew up next to Laura Hillman and her daughter Kate since my family moved in when I was in ninth grade. Before I really met a single person in high school, Ms. Hillman was my closest friend, and remained so even up till I left for college. I was a latchkey kid -- Mom and Dad both worked most of the day, so when I'd come home, I would have the house to myself. Ms. Hillman would always come over. We'd talk about school, about the guys in my class, and anything else that came up. I wouldn't have survived high school if it wasn't for the kindness of my closest neighbor.

Average: 3.9 (15 votes)

Julia's Revenge- Part 2

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For a few months, nothing happened. Julia gained popularity among the outcast group of teens, for getting rid of Fran. But on Halloween, something good did happen.

Everyone was dressed up in costumes, ready for trick-or-treating, and Julia had lost enough weight to be called skinny. And her costume made her look beautiful to certain people.

That morning, she went over to her friend, Anais's, house with a bike pump in one hand. 

"Hey Julia!" Anais said cheerily. "You've lost a lot of weight since we first met!" They had been friends since kindergarten.

Average: 2.3 (3 votes)

Biotech Fantasies, Part 2

Inflation Types:

"Computer, authorisation code Theta Hylan X-ray, one,one, three,eight."

"Authorisation confirmed, awaiting input..."

"Begin security run-amuck, code-name 'trust no one'"

"Working, run-amuck in effect, program termination only on voice override for clearence level six and above..."

Average: 3.8 (8 votes)

Biotech Fantasies, Part 1

Inflation Types:

"Well, what has the old man got for us today?" Mark wondered out loud as he walked into the research compound at Bio-tech F. Inc. As he passed through the security gates he looked out at the enclosed R&D field and saw that the latest tests on the inflation drugs were progressing well.

"Morning Mark, what's shaking?" Mark turned and saw Kelli his assistant come jogging up.{It's nice to know some things don't really need improvement}thought Mark as he lingered over her lush body.{Though you never know...}

Average: 3.6 (10 votes)

Haunted Hotel, The

Sexual Content:

"Finally, my hotel room," Jackie sighed, "a soak in the tub will almost make up for the rest of this rotten trip." She was traveling on business, and there was the usual complications -- her flight delayed in Denver, then her checked bag not arriving for almost an hour, and then, the complication with her hotel reservations.

* * *

"WHAT!" She screamed. "I can't believe this. My company's travel agency made the reservations. My name has to be there - check again. This is the Pavilion Plaza Hotel, right?"

Average: 4 (16 votes)
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