
No Competition

A man sat in a booth at the dark end of the bar, a clutch of balloons drifting back and forth above his head as air currents from the heating toyed with the pretty rubber globes. His posture and alert response every time the door opened denoted he was waiting for someone with great eagerness. The perfect victim.

Average: 3.5 (8 votes)

Inflationary Tales, Part 3

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

or, “1001 Inflationary Nights”

Average: 3.3 (6 votes)

Bubble Boy

or "Bubble of Influence"

Average: 3.9 (12 votes)


Inflation Types:

Julia absentmindedly walked though the mall, wandering the brightly lit halls, trying to relax. She had some things she wanted to buy, a new bra for one, maybe a top. She also wanted to grab a video. She had called in advance to reserve it, so she had plenty of time. There was a large Lingerie shop in one corner, and Julia was slowly making her way there, weaving between shoppers. She arrived in a few minutes and started browsing around, looking for any cute tops. Julia was a short, Hispanic girl, with dark skin, brown eyes, and black hair that went to the middle of her back.

Average: 3.8 (5 votes)

Katrina's Balloons

Katrina walked down the street, happily humming a tune to herself that was accompanied by a slight, knowing smile. She was a striking young woman of average height, with long reddish locks and brilliant green eyes. In spite of this, her most noticeable features were her breasts. They began high on her chest and blossomed forth into swollen, rounded mounds that commanded the majority of her torso, and the immediate airspace surrounding her frame.

Average: 4.1 (20 votes)

Flippy and the Voodoo Balloon

Inflation Fantasy in Metric Form

Average: 3.6 (12 votes)

Brush, The

Katherine's acquired a magical paintbrush that can make her dreams into reality. She really ought to be more careful with it.

Average: 4.2 (17 votes)

Request Katrina

Request  Katrina
Average: 4.4 (36 votes)

The Brush

The Brush
Average: 4.2 (37 votes)
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