Butt Inflation

Algicott Beach

At first the property owner, understandably, misunderstood. After all, when people made a sweeping gesture and said "I'd like to buy this," they meant one of the dining rooms at Vivian's Surf and Turf. When he was informed that this was not the case by the eccentric young man to which he was speaking, he then assumed that the young man meant the entire restaurant; that he wanted to rent it for a party he was having. This, too, was not the case, and he soon clarified his intentions.

Average: 4.3 (11 votes)

Viomira's New Friends

Viomira found it. She finally found it! The lost island of Prhys. She was overjoyed. This was a remarkable discovery. She could easily go down in history for finding this place. But that was not why she went searching. Viomira is an elf with darker skin and black hair with small red highlights at the tips. She is wearing her favorite Lime green dress with squiggly white stripes. Her lavender eyes scanned the shoreline, taking in the view. Off in the distance, on one of the beaches, she spots two figures. One of them was waving her down. She took her boat in and docked it by the figures.

Average: 3 (4 votes)

Viomira's Magic Filled Experience

Sexual Content:

“Behind you!” Viomira shouts as she casts a Chilling Touch, sending a spectral skeleton hand out to grasp and crush the head of the robo pirate sneaking up on Ly.

Ly turns and sees the dead robot while she picks up and throws another robo pirate in Viomira’s direction while shouting, “Duck!”

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)


Jessica sat behind her desk as she got ready to work and let go of a long sigh. Another day of same old, same old. I think I really need to make some changes in my life she thought. I just can’t see myself doing this much longer, just to climb the corporate ladder. With that thought she logged on to her computer and pulled up her e-mails for the day.

Average: 4.5 (15 votes)

Feeling Light Headed

“Hello? Anyone? Anybody there? I’m trapped on the moon base and need some way to get back home!” Jazette called the intercom for the fifth time. She was currently wearing a breathable heated gray mesh tight suit for comfortable space exploration. Jazette was on the moon base for a special experiment but while Jazette was sleeping there was an emergency evacuation that she wasn’t warned of and now she was stuck on the failing base.

Average: 3.5 (4 votes)

Ms. Bouncer - Rising High

Amelia looked at the gaggle of scientists around her. “So let me get this straight,” she asked, “somehow, one of your weather balloons floated on up, and ended up getting stuck, and now you want me to retrieve it?”

Average: 4.4 (5 votes)

Ms. Bouncer - Daily Grind

The shrill beeps of the alarm clock jolted Amelia awake in her bed. She blinked in the morning sunlight as she sat up and hit the OFF button with a sleepy arm. Last night at work had been a doozy, with Jerry apparently thinking that bringing a bottle of Sprite near sensitive equipment wouldn’t end in disaster. Turning to look at the calendar on her wall, Amelia scanned for the day’s date. 21st, 22nd, 23rd… wait! Today was the 26th! Amelia pumped her fist and smiled. It was the beginning of her two-week vacation! And that meant loads of time for patrolling the city!

Average: 4 (5 votes)

One Night Lifts

She saw her from across the club. Red hair, a shot glass in hand. There was a wild look in her eyes, but what stood out the most was her bust. Sally didn’t know how, but this lady had a bust size triple the size of her head. And she didn’t even look weighed down, she was walking and chatting like it was nothing. Her tits just swung around like it was nothing, it was like they were weightless. Before Sally could think deeply about it, the redhead caught her gaze. She smiled and raised a crooked finger, beckoning Sally over.

Average: 4.7 (15 votes)

Flirt and Flight

There’s a kind of comfort in expensive bars. For one, it’s perfect for if you need to be both alone and outgoing at the same time. After all, only the couples went to expensive places, no suitor or frat boy would bother with something so out of their league. For Julia, this was the perfect place for her current situation. She was outgoing alright, her curves alone accomplished that. Two taut breasts sat upon her chest, wider than her torso and protruding from her body by at least a foot, possibly two.

Average: 4.7 (29 votes)


Inflation Types:

Well, is there?

Average: 3.4 (7 votes)
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