Champagne Moon

Thunder in the Night

Inflation Types:

Sherry chuckled to herself, musing over her escape from Terran justice. What a great joke it had been! Most people convicted of her crimes would have been sent to Beta-Orrigonus4, to serve out their sentence in hard labor. She knew about the conditions of that penal colony, as well as the effects of “hard labor.” It was a major coup to convince the courts to send her to Numa32.

Average: 4 (12 votes)

Reunion, The

Jamie sighed. It was nearly eight o’clock, and she had begun to regret having accepted Bob’s invitation to meet for dinner. She hadn’t seen him for quite a while, and remembered him as being rather dull. In fact, the only memorable event she recalled with any clarity was the “molotov cocktail” she’d given him. Bored to tears on their first (and only) date, she’d fed him salted peanuts, potato chips and pretzels. Then, she had offered an outrageously thirsty Bob a huge pitcher of a bland concoction consisting of water and the contents of a large box of baking soda.

Average: 3.8 (14 votes)

Challenge, The

It’s late afternoon by the time I arrive at the empty stadium. I notice that you’re already there, waiting for me. You’re looking smug, as though you already know the outcome of our little competition. I absent-mindedly finger my navel. I know that if I lose, that wonderfully familiar hose will be pushed into it. I remember well the sensation of my belly swelling as you pump it full of air. This time, it won’t be as easy...

“Hello! Sorry I’m late,” I apologize to you. “I had to get a few things ready, so that I could meet your challenge.”

Average: 4 (12 votes)

Ballad of Joe and Moira, The

Inflation Types:

A lyrical tale of infidelity, forgiveness, and a pump.

Average: 4.1 (17 votes)
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