
Compressed Air Claire

Claire has a wish, and you find a special way of making it come true.

Average: 3.5 (15 votes)

Clowning Around

Inflation Types:

Sam looked glumly at her reflection. A white faced clown with a bright ball for a nose smiled back from underneath a shock of cherry red hair. Giving the wig a tug, Sam stuck out her tongue at the reflection. What right did it have to be so cheery when she was having such a bad day? Not only was she late for work, her car had broken down, forcing a three mile trek down rain soaked streets to find a cab. To top it all off she had broken up with her boyfriend of over two years. Things had not gone well, and they still had several more weeks of work together.

Average: 4 (10 votes)

Challenge, The

It’s late afternoon by the time I arrive at the empty stadium. I notice that you’re already there, waiting for me. You’re looking smug, as though you already know the outcome of our little competition. I absent-mindedly finger my navel. I know that if I lose, that wonderfully familiar hose will be pushed into it. I remember well the sensation of my belly swelling as you pump it full of air. This time, it won’t be as easy...

“Hello! Sorry I’m late,” I apologize to you. “I had to get a few things ready, so that I could meet your challenge.”

Average: 4 (12 votes)

Candy and her Friends in Balloon Land

Inflation Types:

"Boring!" Candy announced, lying on the couch upside down, her legs sticking up over the back of the couch.

"You said it!" said Cindy, strolling into the room from the kitchen, a big bowl of popcorn in one hand. As she passed Candy's feet, she reached out to tickle them. Candy kicked back and rolled onto the floor, giggling.

"Where are all the parties tonight?" Heather asked from where she sat facing the TV.

"Midterms!" yelled Ellie from the bedroom. "Too many damn midterms! Everybody's studying!"

"Midterms!" Heather grumped.

Average: 4 (12 votes)

Cameron's New Attitude

Cameron had started to feel desperate. She was still the only girl in her class with no boyfriend and even though none of her classmates were heartless enough to tease her about it, she knew that they all saw Cameron as a loser. It wasn’t that Cameron wasn’t attractive or that she had never been asked out by a boy, but everyone she had gone out on a date with had turned out to be a real jerk. They all told her how much they loved her curly dark hair, her full lips and of course her big breasts, but she could tell that that was all they were interested in: her looks.

Average: 3.1 (7 votes)

Brush, The

Katherine's acquired a magical paintbrush that can make her dreams into reality. She really ought to be more careful with it.

Average: 4.2 (17 votes)


"Stop it," said Veronica, as she swatted her boyfriend’s hand. Despite her pleading, her boyfriend, Mac, still couldn’t keep his hands off the receding bulge that emerged from beneath her cutoff tee shirt.

Average: 4.1 (14 votes)

Biggest Blimp in the World, The

Inflation Types:

I started to inhale.

I notice air filling up in me.

I look down at my stomach and it was growing.

I kept inhaling and I kept swelling.

My arms were blowing up, my legs were getting thicker.

It came to me that I was blowing up like a balloon.

My clothes started to stretch, felling tighter and tighter, I'm afraid they
might burst.

I suddenly felt lightness under my feet.

I was floating like I was a balloon.

I rose up to the ceiling, still swelling.

Average: 2.3 (4 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Nina gets a lot more than she bargains for while enjoying the "Ocean of Bubbles" at the carnival.

Average: 4.4 (22 votes)

Balloon Tech

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Shawn had awoken over six hours ago; enough time that she might have reconciled herself to the present circumstances. Not a chance. Rattling the ancient rolled iron cuffs that held her hands together, suspended nearly arm length above her head by the equally elderly chain that ran up the rock hewn wall, she growled softly at the back of her throat while her mind frantically ran over the events of the last few days.

Average: 4.4 (25 votes)
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