Female Inflation

Pucker up

Princess Daisy kiss inflating Princess Peach!

Pucker up
Average: 4.4 (17 votes)

Lady Bow-loon

somebody really should keep an eye out for loose p-balloons

Lady Bow-loon
Average: 4.1 (8 votes)


Helium Bust>Up, from Balloon Juice, Inc.  Caution:  May be habit forming.

Average: 4.1 (9 votes)

Bust or Burst

Darryl could hear a muffled sssss…mmmmm….bzzzzz as he approached the bedroom door. He knew Olivia was home alone. She wasn’t in the rest of the house, so she had to be in the bedroom. The ssss…mmmMMMmmm…bzzzz continued. His curiosity piqued, Darryl turned the knob and opened the door. The light was dim, but he could make out his wife’s outline on the bed. There was a helium tank next to the nightstand, Olivia was using her right hand to probe her nethers with her favourite vibrator while clutching a large pair of rounded pillows to her chest with her left.

Average: 3.5 (11 votes)


Inflation Types:

Hello there, old friend. It's me; don't be alarmed. No one else is here, they can't hear me anyway.

Now, I'd apologize for disturbing your slumber, but it already appears to be disturbed enough. You weren't sleeping. Maybe tossing and turning, tangling yourself in the sheets, perhaps, trying to exhaust yourself, but certainly not sleeping.

You seem unfulfilled, my dear. That's why I'm here. That's why I always arrive. You know that.

Now, I know you need your rest, but you also need your needs met, so let's get started, shall we?

Average: 4.6 (5 votes)

Woman Who Fell From the Tree, The

The brisk fall air cooled Morgan’s cheeks. The sun, when it peeked through the canopy, was warm and inviting but the shade was not too cool. A bright red or gold leaf dropped here and there, lazily floating to the ground.

Average: 4.5 (11 votes)

Jenny's sauna pants

Inflation Types:

Jenny's sauna pants were supposed to slim down her hips but did the opposite.

Jenny's sauna pants
Average: 3.5 (2 votes)

Out of Douse & Being Bigger

The instant Liliace awoke, she perceived the condition of the soil from the shady darkness inside her flower. Her roots knurled in the earth like toes wriggling through sand.

The nutrient balance was different. Slightly more traces of stone. Neighbors. Dozens of them.

She uncurled the large orange petals surrounding her while straightening her back and emerged into the slightly cool morning air and the warmth of the brilliant summer sunlight on her fern-green skin.

Average: 4.4 (8 votes)

"Call me party BALLOON girl!"

Looks like the party girl had a little too much fun while making balloons for her next party.

This is my first attempt at digitizing a drawing I made a week ago, I hope you enjoy!

"Call me party BALLOON girl!"
Average: 1.7 (3 votes)

Honey inflation 2

Inflation Types:
Honey inflation 2
Average: 3.4 (9 votes)
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