
Play Time

Sexual Content:

    "Look what I swiped from work, Jordan!" Abe cheered. He held up a spray bottle.
    "Oh, nice, glass cleaner," I replied. "Are you a kleptomaniac now?"
    I was lying in bed, wearing nothing but briefs, and reading a book. My lightly muscle toned hairy body was on top of the covers. Abe, my handsome Latino boyfriend, was in a wife beater and boxers, his thin, wiry body next to mine.
    "It's the stuff!" he exclaimed.
    "Sanitizer?" I asked, putting my book aside.

Average: 2.8 (10 votes)

Fwoomp 4: The Return of Gregory

Sexual Content:

    Three pairs of arms held me as I kissed three bare chests. My men.
    "You are perfect," I said to all of them at once, and then laid next to Elvis on the beach.
    We were vacationing in Monterey, California, and were relaxing on the very cool Asilomar beach. It was me, Freddy Newman, with my three boyfriends, Rob Jones, Elvis Aps, and Justin Fawcett. We were called "The Balloon Animals" back in St. Louis. It'd started out as a little kink and ballooned from there.

Average: 3 (7 votes)

Fwoomp 3: Rise of the Balloon Animals

    "Okay," Police officer Ned said, "what the hell happened?"
    "Just Pride," I commented.
    "I've seen Pride before," he spat. "Couple hundred homos in the square, playing their music and dancing drag queens with rainbows and glitter. A bit to clean up, gotta control some of the protesters, but... what the hell?"
    What HAD happened?

Average: 2.5 (8 votes)

Fwoomp 2

Sexual Content:

    "Whatcha doing?" I asked Rob as I came home from work one day. He was intent on his laptop.
    "Looking up some more ways to have fun," he replied, smiling as I kissed his forehead.
    "You mean balloon time?"
    "Yeah, they keep sneaking out new ways to turn anyone into a balloon."

Average: 2.6 (10 votes)

Blueberry Blaire Webcam

Inflation Types:
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A click can be heard on the computer screen as it briefly flickers and a familiar face fades into view.

Average: 3.9 (11 votes)


Inflation Types:
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    It started out as a great day. I'd finally lost some of that annoying pudge I'd carried for so long, these contacts finally stopped irritating my eyes, and I finally looked great in a tank top and tight jeans. A pair of sunglasses and a little hair gel, and I'm ready to hit the town.
    I headed down the stairwell of my apartment building, humming a MIKA tune.

Average: 3.4 (14 votes)

Cartoon Balloon Dreams

Sexual Content:

This was written for me by the great Balloon Fan :)

Average: 3 (5 votes)

Laboratory, The - Part 1.

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My heart was racing. They were close. I could hear their footsteps echo off the buildings as they crept through the alley. The silence of the night was broken by a voice…

“C’mon out! We won’t hurt you! We promise!” Fox called out.

Her voice was sweet… Luring like the song of a Siren. It angered me.

I wouldn’t go back. I didn’t want to go back. I was not their pet. All those years of being just another statistic; a test subject for their little “games” as they like to call it. And yet I enjoyed it… I enjoyed the thrill of the chase and they knew it..

“Baby, please come out! We just want to make sure you’re safe!”

From where I was positioned, I could see all four of them. Angel and Rylee were in the alley to the right of me, while Fox and Jess came down the alley directly in front of me. They met in a vacant lot in the center of the four buildings. All the exits were blocked, and with no way to get up to the roof, I had only three options. I could reveal myself and surrender, I could remain hidden behind the ductwork and let them find me, or I could make a run for it. The odds of me making it past were slim to none, but it was better than the other two choices.


A pipe must have fallen. I didn’t stop to analyze. All I knew was that it distracted the team long enough for me to slip past.

I took off down the alley, but the sound of me running alerted the group and they took off after me. We made our way through alleys and across streets. I was fast runner, but they were keeping pace. As I ran past several stores, I saw a group of bins ahead. I took the opportunity and toppled them as I ran past. It wasn’t the best solution, but it bought me enough time to duck into another alley and find cover behind a dumpster.

I heard them run past. I was out of breath and felt a bit high from all the excitement, but I managed to elude them. When I had allowed enough time to pass, I removed myself from my hiding spot and walked out to the curb. I looked toward the direction they were heading and felt the cool evening breeze flow over me, sending shivers down my spine.

Suddenly, I felt a pinch in my neck and I turned around to meet Rylee’s gaze through piercing emerald green eyes. Her bobbed auburn hair moved slightly in the wind.

“Thought you could escape us… huh?”

My vision started to get blurry. That’s when I noticed the syringe in her hand.

“Y… you.. bit-“

Average: 2.3 (6 votes)

Maya's Day Off

Maya sat on the couch, watching TV and sipping Pepsi. She was home alone this Saturday, and she was feeling especially lazy.

Average: 3.4 (9 votes)

The Lillith Roland Chronicles Part II: Training Begins

Inflation Types:
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“Oh.  I see.  Practicing.” Silas stated as he looked at the naked, swollen girl sitting on the floor.  Her legs were straight out in front of her, being forced apart by her massive belly, which appeared to be the size of a decent beach ball.  Her breasts, normally only Bs, had swollen to a much more buxom size, and quivered slightly with Lillith’s nervous breathing.

Average: 3.8 (8 votes)
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