
Christmas Tale: Winter Dawn, Part 1

Out of all the bad jobs you could get during the Christmas season, Roxanna probably had the worst. She used to make fun of Salvation Army bigots asking for money at the entrance to every friggin' mall, or pretty much anywhere there were people with money, or of people stuck at late night shifts in toy store warehouses. But now it was her time to be a part of the worst one: Santa's little helper at the mall. It had been a rough year, losing her stable job after company wide layoffs, so she really needed the money and her savings were running low.

Average: 3.5 (11 votes)

Inflation Shirt, The

Inflation Types:

Tabitha timidly closed the door behind her. It slid into place with a shuddering metal ‘clunk,’ which echoed throughout the small, brightly lit room. Three of its walls were blank, but the fourth had a large mirror, which Tabitha would bet her life was actually a one-way window. In the center stood a dais, about waist high, upon which rested a patch of fabric.

“So, I just, take off my shirt and put this on, right?” she asked, desperately trying to hide her nervousness. She suspected she failed.

Average: 4.1 (10 votes)

More Than Yesterday

I jumped when Vivi tapped on the balcony door. I should have been looking forward to it, and I was, but then again I wasn’t. I wished I’d been honest yesterday. Now she’d want to do it again.

I checked the mirror. I’d abandoned trying to dress up for someone who’s always naked, and just wore comfortable jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt. It was too thin, my nipples poked through. I considered putting on a bra, but it had pinched yesterday. Vivi wouldn’t care anyway.

Average: 4 (10 votes)

Floatatious Fizz

The day started off so well. I had a good night’s sleep, a wonderful day at school and the weather was beautiful. The birds were singing and children were playing in the park I was at. Such a heavenly day and boy was it about to go badly wrong.

Average: 3.3 (4 votes)

It Went Wrong

Inflation Types:

Jim wanted to try inflation by water. He bought a really long hose(about 12 feet) and 8 small ones. He then combined them so the end of the long one had 8 different ends. Then he went to the bathroom. He connected the 8 small hoses to the parts of the toilet where the water came out, and stuck the large end up his anus. He sat on the toilet and flushed.

Average: 1.8 (8 votes)

Sharp Lesson, A

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Enri was with others in the inventing room just as a large machine rumbled and churned in front of the tour group. Ms. Wanda Wonka, the distinguished but quirky chocolatier, cheekily grinned as the guests gaped at the remarkable device.

"Watch this!" Wonka jeered, as the machine slowly pulled out and unfolded a long, mechanical arm - out of which emerged a tiny strip of gum. Enri immediately took it, and examined it closely.

"You mean that's it?!" Mara exclaimed.

"Do you even know what IT IS?" Ms. Wonka asked, excitedly.

Average: 3.2 (5 votes)

Oh What a Night

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

You, my friend, are a lucky person. The absolute love of your life, Cori Mitchum, is in your World History class. As far as you know, she considers you just a friend, so you sit next to her. Your teacher is going into a long lecture about a boring historic event you should be paying attention to, but instead you strike up small talk with Cori. You talk about whatever comes to mind and then she brings up that she has a secret. You use your speaking skills to try and get it out of her, but she says her lips are sealed. Despite this you continue your attempts.

Average: 2.1 (7 votes)

Blowing Her Socks Off

She breathed deeply, again and again, and each time she was slightly plumper than she had been with the previous breath. It wasn’t immediately obvious to the casual observer, but I’d been studying her curves and I could see as she began to fill out.

Average: 3.9 (12 votes)


Inflation Types:

The anesthetic made the color slowly drain from the world. Karen felt a soft weight over her whole body, and then everything went black. It was a deep sleep that seemed to go on for hours.

When she awoke Karen felt strangely lighter than she used to and there was a strange tickling near her shoulder blades. Stranger still she felt something where should have felt nothing. She tried to turn to look behind her only to find that she was tightly restrained. She opened her mouth to scream but no words came out.

Average: 2.8 (8 votes)

Springfield Student Discovers Shocking Weight Loss Trick!

Sandra eyed the strange garment cautiously, trying to figure out how the object she'd bought online for $175 was going to help her lose weight. It had arrived in the mail that morning and sat in it's box on the table for most of the day whilst Sandra contemplated sending back the overpriced onesie, after all, she reasoned, they were only $40 at the mall. What made this one so special?

Average: 3.3 (4 votes)
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