



'Hi Jody, how're you doing?'

I interrupted my doleful perusal of the newspaper racks to glnnce round at Pavel.

'Oh, fine thanks.'

You know how you're not supposed to say you're fine when you're not so the other person doesn't have to get into the whole thing? This was such an occasion.

Average: 3.8 (10 votes)

The Power of Suggestion

The Power of Suggestion
Average: 4.1 (13 votes)

Always Annunciate

It was a balloon spell, what did you expect?

Always Annunciate
Average: 4.3 (23 votes)

Birthday Treat, A

    James started grinning as Chloe saw his face from the corner of his eye as the train rattled onwards. They had been together for just under two years now, their relationship was going well. Well, she thought to herself, was an understatement. They were almost madly in love with each other. In fact, today was Chloe's birthday. They were on the train together on a birthday trip, and he was keeping where a secret.
    "Guessed where we're going yet?" James said to her from the seat opposite her.

Average: 3.6 (13 votes)

Raising Spirits

Two reluctant co-workers are sent to a weird seminar and wind up having their horizons expanded.


From Dragon-6860's story Raising Spirits.

Raising Spirits
Average: 3.9 (11 votes)

Ghostbusters: Kevin's Slime Inflation

First time doing a slime inflation, thought I should write a prologue for it:


After the ghost invasion in New York, the Ghostbusters thought that it would be a good idea for Kevin to receive “Ghostbuster training”. There was no way they were going to let him touch the equipment, but he desperately needed training so he would get possessed again. Today was Kevin’s first lesson, “How to listen to orders to know when to get inside away from a ghost 101”.

Ghostbusters: Kevin's Slime Inflation
Average: 2.8 (12 votes)

Maria's Special Gift

Inflation Types:

Gary was sitting on the couch icing his hip from last week after he got ripped in half by an unsavory creature after inflating a certain someone with the HCP Potion. It would’ve killed him if it wasn’t for one thing, he already died once and he became a demon when the devil kicked him out of hell which meant he was immortal. He dragged the two halves of his body to the emergency room after Slenderman left and he had to get metal clips on his hips and was advised to ice it often. After that he was always in a very sour mood and didn’t want to explain to anyone what happened.

Average: 2.2 (5 votes)

Rainy Day Fun

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

“I can’t believe this! On our week off, it’s starts to rain for the whole week!” Reina said as she pouted, she got the whole week off from training as a goddess, Reina had the whole week planned out with Gary. Reina was Shadow’s sister and the Goddess of Innocence, though she always referred to her brother as papa for the reason being he cared for her and took care of her since their mother was in eternal slumber like the other gods and goddesses. She had curly pink hair that she tied into two ponytails.

Average: 2.7 (6 votes)

Incident, The

Gary was sitting on the couch at his house icing a black eye he got from Victoria when Akemi walked through the door and was shocked when she saw him.

“What happened to you!?” Akemi asked loudly, Gary, not wanting to explain what happened tried to leave, but Akemi caught him and forced him to tell what happened.

“Come on! Do I have to?” Said Gary, trying to worm his way out of this.

“Yes you do! I want to know who the person was so I can show them what happens when they hurt my sweetheart.” Said Akemi,

Average: 2.7 (6 votes)
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