
Sorceress’ Apprentice, The

Shalandra waited patiently under the covers, not daring to move a muscle. When at last she heard Mistress begin to snore, she carefully climbed out of bed, threw on a dress, and crept quietly out of the bedroom.

Average: 3.5 (10 votes)

Emergency Escape Enchantment

Being a mercenary for hire was always an interesting job. The work took you to many strange and facinating places. Unfortunately, it also took you some very dark and unwelcome places.

Such as the inescapable, direbadger filled canyon swordsman Flint Ironstag and his mage partner Haruka Ariadust had found themselves trapped in.

It had started like a routine quest, some old fart requesting they check out an old temple, find the treasure within, and bring it back to the starving villiage so the townsfolk could buy some food. Pretty simple really.

Average: 4.2 (5 votes)

Darker Secret, A

The noises of the crypt were starting to get to her, all the hissing echoing around, driving her mad. She’d been walking down here for hours in her now dusty, bloodied and torn leather armour. She’d even gone through several torches. Reihana Solus wasn’t happy about this.

Average: 4 (4 votes)

Rain Delivery

Inflation Types:

The air was still and hot in Itaza village, among the handful of trees where the mountain ended and the desert began. The solstice was more than a month away, but for Itaza, summer was making an early start, the same as every year. The few, brief early spring showers were over, and the last of the snowmelt had already trickled through. 


The sun was high. It was time for everyone to rest somewhere out of the sun until the worst of the heat passed, but no one was resting today. The first rain delivery of the season was due any time, and the village wasn't prepared.

Average: 3.8 (8 votes)

Chain Reaction (Extended)

Irina was only halfway through a mug of mead when Cerys ran into the inn and to Irina's side.

Irina sighed. "What did you do?"


Irina gave her a sharp look. "I told you I don't want to draw attention while we're travelling."

"No, really!" Cerys said. "I was just looking around the outpost and some men yelled at me!"

"Why are you worried? You're indestructible."

"They're scary! Oh no, here they come!"

Average: 3.8 (13 votes)

Flintlass First Request

Inflation Types:

Here is Flintlass's first drawing request on DA.


Flintlass is owned by Flintlass.

Flintlass First Request
Average: 2.2 (5 votes)

Last Night Alone, The

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

The Last Night Alone

by ~captainstupids

The Last Night Alone

Warning: This story is of a graphic and sexual nature.  It contains violence and blood.  Side effects may include lava.  Talk to your doctor and see if Story is right for you.


Average: 3.8 (8 votes)


Average: 3.9 (13 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Once upon a time, there lived a wicked sorceress named Morgana, who lived in an eerie castle in a distant land. She was a tall, slender woman whose face was radiant and beautiful that it is said that no man could take his eyes off her. Her hair long and dark black like the night, and her eyes were cold as ice. She wore a long dress with a red belt. This was always her favorite dress, even on days when she would make the people of a little town run in terror. Morgan was always mean to the people. She would make them slaves and terrorize them. She would make them do her biddings.

Average: 2.7 (6 votes)

Interview with the Inflatee

Sexual Content:


Average: 4 (17 votes)
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