Female Inflation

Jenny the Balloon Girl, Part 1

Inflation Types:

Jenny ran in the door to her room, shut it, and locked it. She was over- excited and couldn't wait to try her new bra out. She pulled a small box out of her purse and threw it on the bed. She then pulled her shirt off over her B-Cup breasts and long black hair. She than undid her bra and threw it across the room. Her breasts bounced a little as she opened the box and sat down on the bed. Inside was a light blue bra covered by balloons.

Jenny has always loved balloons. She likes to blow them up, pop them, stick them in her shirt over her breasts, or just bounce on them.

Average: 2.8 (5 votes)

Jessica Blows Herself to Pieces

Inflation Types:

Jessica sucked the last bit of her drink - her fifth - and considered returning to the dance floor.

Average: 4 (18 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

It was another average night for Stephanie. She would go to work every night at around 6 PM after supper. He job didn't require any type of professional look, so she would wear just light blue denim jeans and a small tank top with sneakers, no uniform or expensive suit. She recorded lab data onto computers for Sav-Corp for various experiments. She was working on a new project by Dr. Miller code named JH-12. She didn't know what this project was, despite her usual knowledge with these projects.

Average: 4 (8 votes)

Judas Kiss, The

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:


“I’m glad that’s done.”

Average: 3.2 (5 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Katherine slipped her black performance gown on over her large but shapely body. She ran her hands down its sleek, silken sides and tossed her head back as she rubbed her hands along her dangerously curvy thighs. A smile grew upon her lips as she applied a deep, richly red lipstick to their supple surface.

Average: 3.6 (8 votes)

Katrina's Balloons

Katrina walked down the street, happily humming a tune to herself that was accompanied by a slight, knowing smile. She was a striking young woman of average height, with long reddish locks and brilliant green eyes. In spite of this, her most noticeable features were her breasts. They began high on her chest and blossomed forth into swollen, rounded mounds that commanded the majority of her torso, and the immediate airspace surrounding her frame.

Average: 4.1 (20 votes)

Lab, The

Inflation Types:

"Whoa...OK, it's starting." It had taken months, but at last, we'd found the answer. A strange concoction of the lighter chemicals of the periodic table had resulted in what could be modern science's (and plastic surgery's) biggest coup -- a formula that could inflate the female breast, much like a balloon. While it added no additional weight to the body, it did alter its appearance from within. Carrie was a coed with a keen interest in science, but beyond that, as one of the less-endowed on campus, she was eager to take a risk if it meant a better self-image.

Average: 4.1 (8 votes)

A Swell Matchup

Inflation Types:
A   Swell   Matchup
Average: 3.3 (3 votes)

Inflating Comeback

Inflation Types:

While setting up for a party, Jesse makes an amazing discovery. She decides to use it to teach Teresa a lesson.

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)

Interview, The

Inflation Types:

Kathy Kim just wants a job, but this interview is too much pressure!

Average: 4 (8 votes)
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