Full Body Inflation

Time to Relax


Time to Relax



Average: 4.3 (12 votes)

Balloon People, The - Part 3


The Balloon People – Part 3




Average: 3.6 (5 votes)

Inflatable women 8

Inflation Types:

This woman who works in an office gets more then a BIG promotion. She also gets big with air inside her. I don't know why or how, so don't ask.

Inflatable women 8
Average: 3.6 (5 votes)

Water Balloon Figure

The sun was high on this summer day in South Jersey and Katie was busy lounging in her back yard by her pool, as she was seen on every other day. She had sported a tiny, baby blue bikini top and matching bottom as she soaked in the sun, waiting for her friends to get there. Katie could be described as pretty, standing at 5'7 with B cup breasts and an ample bottom with a flat, athletic stomach. Her straight brunette hair hung down to her shoulders with her big sunglasses blocking her particularly beautiful blue eyes.

Average: 3.8 (13 votes)


Inflation Types:
Average: 3.8 (13 votes)

Kaija: Having a Ball

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Sarana was jolted awake as the chartered bus hit a bump as it traveled down the desolate Texas highway. The girl shook her head and pulled a pair of glasses out of her pocket.

"Ack, my neck...Kaija? Are you awake?"

Average: 3 (6 votes)

Colleen: The Final Straw II

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

The word angry could not even begin to describe how pissed off Colleen was at this very moment. She had spent the last week and a half floating around the skies above Omaha seething with fury. At last she had deflated enough to graze the top of trees, and finally luck favored her when she managed to grip the top of a tall juniper bush, and with great effort, the balloon girl pulled herself down to the ground.

"I'm...gonna get those two...they're gonna pay fer doin' this to me...."

Average: 4 (5 votes)

Colleen: The Final Straw I

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

"I dont know, Colleen....I mean, wouldn't it just encourage her MORE?"

Sarana straightened her glasses and peered at her red haired friend. Colleen had approached her with an interesting proposition after her chemistry class let out for the day...a suggestion that intrigued the biochemistry student, but also raised countless questions.

"Please Sarana! I'm so sick of that girl sneakin' up on me, and filling me up with whatever strikes her fancy...can you do it?"

Colleen pleaded with Sarana, her idea absolutely requiring the girl's cooperation.

Average: 4.2 (11 votes)

Balloon People, The - Part 2

 The Balloon People – Part 2                                                       &n

Average: 3.8 (8 votes)

Call of the Slime Queen II, The

Inflation Types:

After Maldelya had been changed into a slime girl she was immobilized on her huge belly of slime. She kicked her fat legs and swag her fat arms but she couldn’t move. She didn’t know how the Slime Queen could shape her body into different shapes and move so freely. The slime of her body was very stiff and basically human flesh that looked like green slime.

Average: 3.9 (8 votes)
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