Belly Inflation

Risk, The

The feeling was overwhelming. Stacy could feel her breasts blowing up, her butt ballooning and her belly expanding. The air rushing into her excited her like nothing ever had before and she was so happy she had volunteered for this crazy experiment…

Average: 1.9 (7 votes)

Round One

"Princess fighter tournament 2004" had been the single most profitable enterprise that year. Filled with nothing but women fighters from all over the globe, the stunt had attracted everything from soft-drink endorsements to music CDs. The media cover for it had been astounding.

And Noriko Mune had loved every second of it.

Average: 2 (3 votes)

Anyssa for Blooberboy

Inflation Types:
Anyssa for Blooberboy
Average: 3.8 (9 votes)

Reunion, The

Jamie sighed. It was nearly eight o’clock, and she had begun to regret having accepted Bob’s invitation to meet for dinner. She hadn’t seen him for quite a while, and remembered him as being rather dull. In fact, the only memorable event she recalled with any clarity was the “molotov cocktail” she’d given him. Bored to tears on their first (and only) date, she’d fed him salted peanuts, potato chips and pretzels. Then, she had offered an outrageously thirsty Bob a huge pitcher of a bland concoction consisting of water and the contents of a large box of baking soda.

Average: 3.8 (14 votes)

My Wonderful Girlfriend

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

I was over at my girlfriend's place, Tammy. Every time I see her I marvel at how I could have gotten such a girl. She stood all of about five foot tall. She had long red hair that was both curly and wavy and framed her head just right. She had bright green eyes that just made her absolutely gorgeous. What I marveled most is her body. She was absolutely fit and trim. There couldn't have been an ounce of fat on her body, yet she swears she needs to drop about twenty pounds. I keep asking her how is she going to do that without loping off a body part.

Average: 4.2 (13 votes)

Modern Medicine

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

She was a woman who was used to getting what she wanted. She was rich, and she knew money could get you, eventually albeit, whatever you desired. Unfortunately, what she desired most had been unattainable, that is until now. Her husband, a talented plastic surgeon (actually an artiste -- he was an amazing sculptor of the human body) who had long catered to the extreme end of plastic surgery (Models, and strippers and the what-not who wanted only the very largest in implants, and similar type body-work) had come up with an ingenuous solution to the hazards of the silicon implant.

Average: 3 (8 votes)

Mondo the Great

Inflation Types:

The nightclub crowd roared hysterically. Mondo, the illusionist and hypnotist was quickly becoming a big name act, and word of mouth was all the advertising he needed to pack a house. He wore a tuxedo, but offset its formal effect by wearing sneakers and letting his shirt-tails hang out. And Mondo's long hair made him look more like a beach bum than a stage performer.

Average: 3.8 (10 votes)


Inflation Types:
Average: 3.9 (15 votes)

Jenny the Balloon Girl, Part 2


Jenny had fun with the Balloon Bra and she wanted to find more ways to blow up her tits with air. She went to the store that sold her the bra. She found a bunch of stuff and bought it all. She was only fifteen and had only a small allowance to use, but she saved what she could for a special event. She also loved balloons. She would buy a mega-pack of them and just spend the afternoon popping them in different ways.

Average: 3.3 (8 votes)

Goodyear Home Pregnancy Test

Sexual Content:

A mixup during a pregnancy test has inflationary results.

Average: 4.1 (7 votes)
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