
Test Subject Cynthia

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Cynthia stepped outside of the Sandy Resort hotel on Io. What have I gotten myself into?

Average: 4.3 (7 votes)

Duel of Two Witches, A

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The stagecoach rocked up and down as it rode down the path. Three passengers were riding along with Erin, all strangers to her. None of them were wearing a brown cloak like her, one with a hood that concealed her hair.

The horses pulling the stagecoach whinnied. The stagecoach stopped. Erin heard the stagecoach driver say something to a voice she didn’t recognize. One moment later, two knights in full suits of armor opened the stagecoach. One of them pointed his finger at her. “You! Step out!”

Average: 3.5 (2 votes)

Evening with Nina, An

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I hate sleeplessness. I would know since I haven’t been able to sleep more than three hours a night for the last few weeks. Sure, it was enough for me to function fine in the mornings, but once it got to be the late afternoon, I could barely keep my eyes open. The stress of my everyday life is what’s causing it, and the shitty thing is the lack of good sleep just piles on more stress!

Average: 4 (5 votes)

Abby's Buoyant Vacation

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Abby was exhausted. She had just finished touring to promote her new album. Everything was a success, but music and tv guest spots were the last thing on her mind now. She needed to get away from the stage and the recording studio. She and her team already had more than enough money to buy the rings of Saturn. If they didn’t like her going on a break, too bad, they could just find another starlet to use to their own ends.

Average: 3.7 (6 votes)

Test Subject Maya

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Maya stepped off the bus. Ahead of her was a dirt path that led to the empty field where the test was being conducted. She was dressed like she was going to a job interview, white pantsuit with black casual pumps. She headed down the path.

Average: 4.3 (15 votes)

Clarissa's Uplifting Accident

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Clarissa stared out the large window and into the vast starry expanse of space.

Bored. That’s how she felt. Bored.

She was traveling alone in her own spaceship. She was a successful entrepreneur, after all. Yet even with all the amenities afforded to her, she still got bored.

It would be another six or so hours before she would arrive at the station. She was by herself, age twenty-four, already flying her own spaceship for leisure, standing in a luxurious custom bedroom, larger and roomier than any other part of the ship, and still she was bored.

Average: 4.2 (24 votes)
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