
Only in Cartoons

"Sweetie... Can you turn the tv down, please?" It was 16 years ago on a hazy afternoon. The outside heat bled against the windows as it stifled the cool breeze of the indoor air conditioning.
"Aww... Okay mom" A young girl, roughly 9 years old with short blonde hair, that dangled off her fringe, in front of her light cyan eyes, was sat next to the television. She reached forward, picking up the little black handset before pressing the rubber 'volume' button down. She looked back up at the set eagerly as her favourite program started.
Average: 4.2 (18 votes)

Their First Time

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“Ok... could you please explain this to me again?”

Lindsay crossed her arms and sighed.  “Love, I’ve already explained it three times.”

Dave looked over at her in the passenger seat.  “It’s just that I have a hard time believing that YOU...”  He motioned his hands up and down at her, then held his arms open wide.  “...are capable of THAT.”

Average: 4.5 (36 votes)

For Science...?

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Having rich friends, or at least friends with rich parents, can have its perks. Jacob knew this all too well. Instead of living in a campus dorm and paying out the nose to do so, he lived on the edge of campus in a loft/rock wall gym that his friend Lucas' parents had converted an old warehouse into for them and their friend Sam, who also lived there with them. The three friends were avid rock climbing enthusiasts, and they loved their home.

Average: 3.3 (7 votes)

Balloon Snuggle

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It was another boring day for me at first since I had nothing to do. It was the middle of Friday, and I was home alone as usual, and I had the house to myself easily till Midnight or even later since my Aunt Had made breakfast lunch and dinner ahead of time for just me, so it was obvious I had two whole days to myself with nothing to do, but merely wait. I wore my usual outfit my black jeans and a black Nike hoodie.

Average: 2.3 (6 votes)

Score One for the Balloon Girl

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"I have had it with her!"

When Helia screams like that, it means that she had a run in with Arlene. I came out of the kitchen just in time to see Helia's favorite lycra top give up the ghost, and explosively release her well over 68GG bustline. I had to duck to keep from getting hit in the eye by the elastic shrapnel.

"Oh wow," I said finally, "What happened?"

Average: 2.8 (5 votes)

Cosplay Accident, The

It was a rainy day in Seattle. Emerald City Comic-con was coming in a matter of days. And Jamie was excited. He had issued a challenge with his friend, Serena. No, they weren't dating, but he wished they were. The challenge was to build a costume that had some kind of special trick that they would let the fans of ECCC decide who was the best. But first, he would have to make the costume. So he decided on a waterbender costume, from Avatar: the last airbender. His special "power" was that he would have a tube that pumped water from his wrists, as if he was literally waterbending.

Average: 3.1 (15 votes)

Coming Out Big

aBritt shimmied her jeans down to the floor and kicked them aside. She sifted through a pile of clean but yet-unfolded laundry for her favorite pair of playtime pants. “I’m sure this would be easier if I turned on the lights.” She stuck out her head and turned to her guest who was, she discovered, not standing behind her. “Oh I’m sorry you’re empty space.”

“What’cha say, hun?” sounded a voice from the front room.

“Nothing. You’re being a butt.”

“I didn’t realize I was doing anything. I’m in here.”

“Which is why you’re a butt.”

Average: 4.3 (22 votes)

Whittney's Kidnapping Nightmare

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It had been another ordinary day for Whittney Wilder as she had just gotten out of school, heading home for the day but what happened that night would change an old passion the booblicious girl had forever as Whittney loved balloons as she enjoyed blowing them up personally, sitting on them, popping them, stuffing them in the various shirts she wore to make her immense cleavage look even larger than it already was, & lastly sucking some helium out of them when they used for parties and talking in a crazy high-pitched voice which always made her laugh.

Average: 3 (6 votes)

Ski Lodge, The - part 1

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Cora looked over the men that had answered their brochures. "Sheesh, Tiffany, did they ever answer! 'Experimental ski thereapy for men, only obese need apply.' There must be a dozen!"

"That's good,' answered Tiffany. "Fun times to be had by all...for a little while" She smiled mischievously as Cora leaned over and kissed her breifly. "We've left 'refreshments' out for our guests--"

"Same as we left for those gals?"

"The very same. Oh, except for one guy that arrived early, he has a special variant of the 'Boom' serum."

"Variant how?"

Average: 3.5 (10 votes)

Time to Relax


Time to Relax



Average: 4.3 (12 votes)
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