
Emotional Hazard

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This was going to be one of those days.

A squirt emitted from an invisible hole in the cup, just as Teywa tried to take a sip from it. Smelly brown liquid, a terrible parody of a coffee, splattered all over her white shirt, ruining it forever.

On the background an ear-cutting sound repeated itself over and over, along with hits and bumps. Another unfortunate soul tried to get some coffee from one of those ancient wedding machines. They still used paper currency here, would you believe?

Average: 3.4 (5 votes)

Envy Is A Powerful Emotion

Beth stared beyond the cash register, beyond the small dining area, out through the glass windows into the depths of the cool New England night. It was dark and alien, an infinite shroud broken only by the steady rhythm of the streetlamps that lined the small road out of town. The boredom was soul numbing. She could not for the life of her fathom why a Burger Wiz should be open so late at night, and who in their right mind would be hungry enough for one of their slimy grease pucks in the dead of night.

Average: 3.7 (10 votes)


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Her name was Casey, and she was beautiful. Her face wasn't a perfect circle, but it wasn’t an oval. Somewhere in between. She had an attractive, slim figure. A tone stomach. A juicy ass and fertile hips. She had beautiful, shiny, round eyes. Her nose wasn’t too big, and it wasn’t abnormally small; it was perfect. She had perfect eyebrows too. And her lips were perfect as well; not too thick, and not too thin. She had dirt blonde hair that extended four inches below her shoulders. Everything about Casey was perfect. Except one thing.

Average: 3 (8 votes)

Cloaked Dreams


"Don't worry, you'll like it," a voice from the dark room mumbled. Ruby snapped awake as the light turned on and she found her hands and feet taped to her bed, tape in her mouth so she couldn't speak. Something was taped inside of the middle of her mouth, though. She couldn't tell exactly what it was.

Average: 2.7 (6 votes)

Blueberry Bite, The

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"What?! Do you two have some sort of suicide pact or something?" Angela yelled at Clarissa and Janet.

Janet smiled, "What's wrong with wanting to have fun? We've been invited, so we should go."

"Because you will pop! That's why!" Angela screamed, her face turning red.

"So what? We all do eventually. Might as well be having fun when it happens."

"No, you're wrong. Not everyone pops." Angela shook her head. "Why did you even ask me? You both had to know I'd say no."

"We asked you to go because Thomas is the host." Janet smiled.

Average: 2.7 (11 votes)

Bubble Gum

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Traci was a charming young woman, full of optimism, endowed with good looks, and utterly lacking in intelligence.  Her natural expression was one of thoughtful introspection, a person preoccupied with their inner world.  This lead others to believe that therein lied a wise soul, up until they made the fatal mistake of asked her what she was thinking about or, more likely, she spoke up on her own, wondering aloud if Alaska was real.

Average: 4.3 (16 votes)

Internet is Full of Crazy Ideas, The

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Kay and Joseph sat quietly on the couch as reruns of Modern Family hummed in the background. The sun was low on the horizon as it cast a blazing orange tint on the wall of Joseph’s apartment. She scrolled through her Facebook feed on her phone as he finished ordering Chinese food from the restaurant’s delivery website.

“Alright Kay, food should be here in about 45 minutes. If we eat quickly enough we should be able to get to the bar right as happy hour starts.” Said Joseph.

Average: 3.8 (21 votes)

Tharja's Experiment

The sun was setting as the Shepherds began to make camp.

Tharja had joined the Shepherds during a battle that was fought a little over a year ago in the scorching desert of Plegia. Initially she opposed them, but after meeting their enigmatic tactician she knew that she had to follow him and learn everything she could about his daily habits and routines.

Average: 4 (3 votes)

First Semester, The

The first semester is always the hardest… right? Kelly had been accepted to her dream college on an athletics scholarship to play volleyball. She had dreamed of going to school at Indigo Grove University ever since she was a little girl and knew that volleyball would be her way in. Unfortunately she didn’t realize how hard it would be to balance academics with practice, so now with her final exams coming up she was scrambling to see if she could save her grades.

Average: 4 (8 votes)

Alpha Bitch and Her Comeuppance, The

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Seraphina Hindenburg, a name that would be remembered with a sense of irony, was the name of the complete alpha bitch of our senior year at Serenity High School for Girls. She was beautiful and she goddamn well knew it! Her long, silky, blond hair grew down her upper back, kept in a straight style, while she flaunted her larger than average-sized bust in a slightly tight fitting uniform. Her skirt barely reached below her thighs, causing many a male teacher to become flustered whe. She so desired.
Average: 3.9 (10 votes)
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