
Buoyant Bonnie

Buoyant Bonnie

by SvenSvenson

Disclaimer:  Naughty, inflatable themes
herein.  For mature audiences only.

It was a peculiar twist of fate.  In her normal work, Bonnie exploited gravity's pull to guide tourists down raging rivers.  Her new position, however, involved doing just the opposite with gravity.  It was ridiculous on its face, really; a balloon ride without a balloon.  Who the hell thinks this stuff up?

Average: 4.5 (19 votes)

Center of Attention 2

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

The young woman was confident, the young man nervous.  She, tall, red-haired and freckled in a crop top, jeans, and sandals with a duffel bag over her shoulder; he, a tanned brunet, in deep blue swim pants, being lead along by her by a long leash connected to a collar.  They did, naturally, draw attention from others in the park, if not when they appeared than when they stopped, in the middle of the widest expanse of grass.

Average: 4.3 (4 votes)

Juice Vat Caper, The

Inflation Types:
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“I’m in.” Emily whispered into her walky-talky. She had managed to crawl through the air conditioning ducts of Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.

“Head north to the inventing room.” Rebecca replied. She was stationed outside the factory, keeping guard.

“Did I really have to wear latex? I’m burning up in this suit.”

“It makes it easier to slip through tight places. With my fatass I’d be stuck in there.”

After a few turns, Emily came to the conclusion that she was lost.

“I have no idea where I am.”

“Look through one of the vents.”

Average: 4 (6 votes)

Soda and Mentos Infation

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Cassie was a rough party girl down to her very core. Every aspect about her was rowdy, from her messy, short bob of a haircut she had, down to her punk-ish eyeliner. She was attending college, and a rowdy gathering of teenagers and young adults was taking place across the hallway, right outside of her dorm. Naturally, she was one of the first people to be invited, but she still showed up a few hours late anyways.

Average: 3.6 (8 votes)

Teslite: Die Gessellschaft von Thule

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We had arrived back home to our apartment in the style only the Home Guard could offer, a jostling metal crate that lept over ever little stone it had the misfortune of touching. Needless to say, Amisi and I were more than grateful for our little "escort" to have come to a more settled end. We bid farewell to our redcoated friends before ascending the staircase to our porchside entrance. I had just put the key into the lock when something fell from above, a flash of brown that landed at our feet with a light thud.

"What in tarn-?!" I cried out stepping back quickly.

Average: 3 (3 votes)

Water Belly Expansion

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Allison was a social girl. She loved company, almost to a fault. She basically relied on it. She had dirty-blonde hair that fell a little bit past her shoulders, but she usually kept it in a neat ponytail. A few loose strands covered her forehead, down to her brown eyes. She had a small smattering of freckles on her nose and rosy cheeks. She was five-and-a-half feet tall with a thin but not frail frame, with a hint of athleticism adorning her body. She had a respectable C-cup bust and an ass that did its job.

Average: 3.3 (10 votes)



by SvenSvenson

Disclaimer: Naughty, inflatable themes herein.
For mature audiences only.

Jane stood alone in the alley, her frozen breath hanging in the air as she numbly waited for someone to answer the door.

Average: 4.5 (20 votes)

A Berry Peculiar Situation

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Beth meandered through the many blueberry groves, lost in their intricacies. The sun was slowly setting, with a orange haze falling over her. She hadn't eaten since breakfast, and the many blueberries surrounding her seemed to be an inviting treat.

"I know the sign at the front of the farm said not to eat them, but they look so delicious..." Beth cusped a bundle of berries in her hand. The prospect of eating them only grew more tempting. In a sudden jerk, she picked the berries. with curiosity, and hunger, she bit into one.

Average: 2.5 (4 votes)

Vacation Plans

Inflation Types:
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Little wisps of fog charged at the windshield of Angela’s Corolla as it wandered in the night, deep in a maze of paved-over indian trails, wagon paths, and modern blunders bored through a forest as dense as it was ancient. A thick leafy canopy reached around the road like a grasping hand. The Corolla’s dim, foggy headlights served as a surrogate for whatever little moonlight could reach the tarmac below. She was looking for a gravel road.

Average: 4.2 (11 votes)

Milk For All

Inflation Types:
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Nancy was a typical student, young pretty but not a lot of money to spend. So as you can might know, she take every small job to make some money. That is why this pretty english redhead came into this story.

Nancy had signed herself up for some medical experiments, this job became really populair because the government had a ban on animal testings. She was almost late, that is why she dident read much about this experiment.

Average: 3.2 (5 votes)
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