
Taking Advantage

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Her watch beeped three times, signaling seventy-five percent ripeness.

"Paul!" Jessica called out, flapping her arms on the bloated sides of her filling form. "Paul, it's time! Hurry!"

The sound of rushed footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway, panting breath coming from her best friend as he turned the corner, holding onto the doorframe. He pulled up his brown shorts, adjusting his round fogged glasses on his face. "I'!" He said between deep breaths.

Average: 4.5 (20 votes)

Alchemy Experiment

Louis slipped quietly into the small pub as the afternoon sun drew long shadows across the beaten-dirt road. Even by the dim light of the smudged oil lamps, he could see the place was mostly empty. Set back in the shadows, at a table in the far corner, he spied the person he came to meet. He crossed the vacant hardwood floor, trying not to draw attention to himself.

Average: 3.3 (8 votes)

Out of Sprout

(Highly recommended you read the first part, Out of Drought, before continuing!)

It was the pleasant morning sun that roused me awake as I turned my head on the pillow to face my window.

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

Happy Anniversary

Your bedroom was perfectly still. Gentle evening twilight streamed in from the gaps around the curtains and all was silent save for the gentle ambient hum of the outside world as well as electronics scattered around the flat. All things considered, it would’ve been the recipe for a cozy, relaxing evening. That is, were it not for the fact that you found yourself resting on the ceiling inflated like a gigantic balloon, your body filled to the brim with lighter than air gas and puffed out into a 7ft round sphere.

Average: 4.3 (11 votes)

Prodigy, The

Sexual Content:

There is an old belief among the Gaels that the Ash Tree was one of the legendary guardian trees of Ireland. The tree is credited with a range of protective and healing properties, a magically imbued tree. One could even say that the girl named Ashley possessed such incredible power but not of a positive sort.

Average: 3.5 (4 votes)


Inflation Types:
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"So," she said, pacing casually back and forth in front of me, "you know what they say about girls with big feet, right?"

I stared at her. Was -this- why she brought me to this small park between the apartments? ", I actually don't, and isn't it supposed to be -guys- with big feet?"

Average: 4.3 (3 votes)

Pumping Perfume

Inflation Types:
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“Leave him alone.” barked Harold from the cabin door, his speckled eyes locked on Boyd who had Devon pinned to the timber floor.

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)

Route 5: Golden Aether

Death, pillaging, and destruction- this has been the fate of Fódlan for the past five years. War has claimed countless lives, and many believed Byleth’s to be one of them. She disappeared shortly before Garreg Mach Monastery fell, and her students in the Golden Deer house assumed the worst when they couldn’t find their beloved professor. They were overcome with joy, if not a little confused, when she reappeared after years of presumed death. Byleth’s keen strategy and battlefield prowess allowed her former students to retake Garreg Mach and begin the fight to save Fódlan.

Average: 3.8 (5 votes)

Dom and the Little Man, The

Sexual Content:


Average: 2.6 (9 votes)


Jessica discreetly peered over the top of her office cubicle as she absentmindedly marked off the 30+ new emails in her inbox as ‘read’, knowing that most of them were automated invitations to office events that she would never even consider going to. ‘1000 Days Without An Accident Celebration’? Give me a break. The office where she worked, with its flimsy cardboard sheets that somehow passed for walls, was about the least dangerous environment she could think of.

Average: 2.8 (9 votes)
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