
Woman spy gets inflated 3

The animation to this inflation sequence can be found in the web links section and is named "woman spy gets inflated".

Woman spy gets inflated 3
Average: 4.1 (12 votes)

Feast Fit for a Queen

“So what’s my special surprise?” Hotep asked excitedly. She had recently gained a ton of weight thanks to Shadow from meals and drinks he made. Her bottom bounced and jiggled with every step she took from how big it became and her belly and breasts were nearly the same. She didn't mind all this new weight at all, it made her special being pampered like that and like true royalty to Shadow. Her hair was now longer than before due to neglecting to cut it more often that still did nothing to hide her massive figure.

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)

Aubrey's Photoshoot

Aubrey's Photoshoot
Average: 3.4 (5 votes)

Getting Sloshy

Getting Sloshy
Average: 3.9 (17 votes)


Inflation Types:
Average: 3.9 (13 votes)

Can't Listen to Warnings

Inflation Types:

“Today’s been eventless. What am I to do to make this day the least bit interesting?” Juniper spun around in her chair bored. It was nearing midnight in the labs and she had free reins on all the equipment during those nightly hours. She heard the robotic guards making their last rounds before retreating into their storage chambers.

Average: 2.7 (6 votes)

Incident, The

Gary was sitting on the couch at his house icing a black eye he got from Victoria when Akemi walked through the door and was shocked when she saw him.

“What happened to you!?” Akemi asked loudly, Gary, not wanting to explain what happened tried to leave, but Akemi caught him and forced him to tell what happened.

“Come on! Do I have to?” Said Gary, trying to worm his way out of this.

“Yes you do! I want to know who the person was so I can show them what happens when they hurt my sweetheart.” Said Akemi,

Average: 2.7 (6 votes)

Suicide Hill

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

The petrol station rested atop Huntington Hill, known by the locals as “Suicide Hill” for its ridiculously precipitous slope, one that tempted many a youth in wintertime to slide down its icy surface. While achieving near-freefall speeds, the ride had an unfortunate penchant of ending with the sled skidding straight into the busy Lavinia Lane, where traffic was unimpeded by stop signs or any attention given to pesky speed limits.

Average: 3.9 (19 votes)

Heavy Bloat, The

 Alex was a twig of a girl. She weighed 105lbs. She always wanted to be fat, or inflated. So, when inflating/bloat equipment went on sale with a couple special ingredients, she sprang for it.  

Average: 3.1 (10 votes)

Cool Revenge

Jane : "MPH MHPHPH MHPHPH.... Please stop Jane, don't blow us up any more!!!! Hahahaha..."

Becca : "MPHPH Please Zoe Stop!!! MHH PHPHH MHPHPH We'll do anything, just don't inflate us anymore, please!!!! Hahahaha..."

Jane : "Stupid clowns, can't get their inflated faces out of my head... It sure was worth setting them up, funniest spectacle i've seen in ages..."

Becca : "You are right Jane! That was fun as hell, don't regret blowing those bitches up not even for a single second, hahaha..."

Cool Revenge
Average: 4.1 (13 votes)
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