

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

"What the hell?"

Clara lifted up her naked foot to see what had stuck to it, but it was impossible for her to see. The apartment floor resounded with each of the immense woman's steps as she plodded over to the sofa. The seat's vinyl upholstery creaked vocally as Clara gently lowered all of her five hundred and seventy three pounds into it's pillowy embrace. Clara sighed as her quarter ton weight sank into the cushions, she then lifted up her foot to peel off what had stuck to her foot. It was a nicotine patch. "Son of a bitch."

Average: 4.2 (18 votes)

Boob Job

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

"So let me get this straight; you got new implants while I was gone and they are adjustable?" Luke questioned.

"Yea that pretty much the jest of it. They get bigger from time to time, up to a cup. The doctor said these will help me keep my figure." Missy answered him with a cheery smile.

Average: 2.8 (4 votes)


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"Oh yeah?" asked Gina. "Well I heard that Gregory, you know that really dorky kid, top in our chemistry class? He has the hots for you!"

Average: 2 (3 votes)

Ladies of Bed Bending

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Ladies of Bed Bending
Average: 3.7 (6 votes)

Aerostian Conflict, The

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And in local news... URA forces have captured an Aerostian city where leader Yukami Sakino Hirose was rumored to have last been seen. The Aerostian leader has been accused of heavy war crimes and was last seen…

Average: 3.9 (11 votes)


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Julia loved the smell. The moist air entered her nasal cavity and somehow made her forget all about the huge painting project she had looming over her. Five self-portraits due in two days. She absorbed the scent once more. She crushed her rippling reflection, spewing water across her jeans. She wished she could just make it go away, so she wouldn’t have to stare at it for several hours that evening. Her converse were waterlogged now. She didn’t mind. The wind picked up a bit. Nipples poked out defiantly beneath a sky blue hello kitty tee-shirt.

Average: 4.1 (13 votes)

Cause and Effect

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Lin was a fat girl who had a hard time making friends, maybe because she was so bitter toward everyone, and her low self-esteem. She locked her self in her room only reading books on chemistry. She was a big science buff. It was the only subject in school that she ever put any effort into. With her vast knowledge of chemistry, she got an idea for a way to get back at all the pretty girls who had the figures and looks that she'd never have. She'd make a formula that would cause intense weight gain in the human body when applied to food or drink.

Average: 3.7 (7 votes)


Desiree knocked on the door.

The door opened a crack, enough to show a sliver of the room and one dark green eye that swiveled around, looking up and down the hall.

"Are you alone?" Came the voice from behind the door.

"Yes," unsatisfied by the answer, the eye swiveled back and forth again, "Oh for heavens sake Mandy, you told me to come over, either let me in or let me go home."

Average: 4.5 (35 votes)

Photo Enlargement

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Warning; Inflation fiction follows. But you probably knew that already, didn't you, you naughty thing? Yes I think you did!

Average: 4.5 (26 votes)

End of the Cheerleader

Inflation Types:
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The plan was finally set, it took weeks to work out all the bugs but now Jessie knew she could pull it off without a hitch. The Dark haired 17 year old bit a piece of her long hair as she wired up the last pump. No one could say that she wasn’t beautiful, 5’ 7”, 135 lb. and a figure that wouldn’t stop, but something drove her to plan out the most horrid act in history. Her motivation was too simple, she wanted to eliminate Sarah the head Cheerleader of Verndale High. Jessie had to be the team captain no matter what and now she had the means to do it.

Average: 3.9 (8 votes)
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