

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

He leaned back on the sofa, casting an appreciative eye across the penthouse apartment. "It's a very nice place you have here."

"Thank you." She poured two glasses of wine, setting the bottle down on the kitchen counter.

"It must not come cheap."

"Oh, it's quite expensive." She palmed a small tablet, glancing at him to ensure he was distracted before dropping it into one of the glasses with practiced ease.  The tablet broke apart, rapidly dissolving in the wine. "But it's a small price to pay for privacy."

Average: 4.2 (22 votes)


Inflation Types:
Average: 4.1 (10 votes)

Room 214

Inflation Types:

Alice walked slowly down the brightly lit hallway. She wasn't exactly sure which room she was expected in, but at least she was early for her shift. Numerous doors lined the walls, various sounds resounding from each.

"Are you lost?" a passing aid asked.

"Umm...yes." Alice replied. "Would you happen to know where room 214 is?"

"Down the hall, to your left. Six doors down!" the aid answered.

"Thanks!" Alice said hesitantly. She was still very nervous for her first day on the job.

Average: 3.9 (14 votes)

Marlene's Absorption

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Marlene stood in front of her mirror. She was a pretty, thirty-five year old woman. She stood five feet seven inches tall and weighed about 150 pounds. She had shoulder-length sandy blonde hair, and was a slight pear shape, with measurements of 34C-29-40.

Marlene had always been a little bottom-heavy, even as a teenager, and this "problem" was becoming more and more prominent as she eased into her late thirties. She wasn't happy with the fact that she had put on weight in recent years, but she could deal with it.

Average: 2.9 (9 votes)


Sexual Content:

Amanda runs a brush through her long brunette hair in front of the mirror as she gets ready for work.

"Damn I look good, too bad it goes to waste in an office job that makes me wear such unflattering clothing." she says while pressing her hands to her skirt and smoothing out the wrinkles. She takes a few more minutes just gazing at herself in the mirror, how her black button-down blouse stays snug to her figure, but doesn't show off her chest. She turns around to look at her ass in the mirror and sighs. The skirt makes her look flat in the butt, much flatter than she really is.

Average: 3.3 (9 votes)


It took five agonizing minutes before Claudia was able to work up the nerve to knock on the door. It only took a few moments for the house’s occupant to open the door.”He..hello Brooke.” She spoke nervously as she gazed at the face of her former nemesis.

Average: 3.5 (4 votes)

Lesson In Inflation, A

Inflation Types:

Professor Gerald Hughes of the Baltimore University of Inflation was busy packing up his notes when there was a rap on his office door. He sighed, not looking forward to more students, but got up and went to the door anyways. When he peeked out the window of the door, his disappointment increased even more. Outside was Anna Grable, a less than admirable student at the Unversity. She was a slacker, the worst he had seen in many years, and the worst part of it was that she wasn't lazy. She worked hard, but just wasn't smart enough to keep up all the time.

Average: 3 (4 votes)

Balloon Spray

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

"Hand over the purse, lady."  It's a gruff voice out of the night, a threatening bark that leads me to gasp and start involuntarily even though I've come down this forbidding road intentionally in a quest for my unusual brand of fun.  It's an adrenaline shot through my whole body, like boiling water through my veins.  It's time.  I hug my purse protectively closer to my rib, and slowly revolve to face my assailant.  He's there in the yawning shadows between the two dim streetlights, the knife edge a gleaming ribbon in the dark.

Average: 4.3 (28 votes)

Accidental Exposure

Accidental Exposure
Average: 4.6 (69 votes)

Maximum Passenger Capacity

Maximum Passenger Capacity
Average: 4.4 (49 votes)
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