Full Body Inflation

Spinning Bird Float

A request for Ysbrydion

of Chun-li as a balloon :)

Spinning Bird Float
Average: 4 (14 votes)

commission for kreizen

a commission for Kreizen

of his character Vhaidra

inflated like a blimp by a mischievous little fairy :)

commission for kreizen
Average: 3.9 (11 votes)


Inflation Types:
Average: 3.9 (12 votes)


Average: 4.1 (18 votes)

Liquid L.E.A.D.


Liquid L.E.A.D.

Written By: Edward Viera

Average: 3.6 (7 votes)

Tsukumogami...or Nurikabe?

A long overdue special for Sagashi Industries from dA, starring his shield tsukumogami Shahei. Shahei has puffed herself to a massive degree to prevent a couple of familiar miscreants (or, one miscreant and her partner) from crossing the gate. But with those two, it might not be enough!

Shahei (c) Sagashi Industries; Marisa, Alice (c) ZUN; Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

Tsukumogami...or Nurikabe?
Average: 3 (6 votes)

Reality Show, The

Sexual Content:


The commercial kept showing up on television several times a day and every day of the week. They kept telling us there was going to be a reality show with a lot of “pop” in it, and it was going to be 12 competing girls and they were still searching for members for the upcoming show in a couple of months. I could hear my sister call from the kitchen, but I always got curious about this show that they are going to air in a couple of months is all about, it didn’t even have a name yet! I kept listening to the commercial “One girl will be popped out of the show every episode!

Average: 3.5 (11 votes)

Camp Inflation

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Amy poked my arm, and I was jolted out of my beautiful dream. She stood next to my bed, dressed in nothing but a bathing suit.

"You fell asleep, silly," she whispered, pushing the hair out of my eyes. I got up, threw some jeans and a shirt on, and the two of us tiptoed out of the dark barracks. We crept through the cabin of sleeping guys until we came to the screen door. We carefully opened and shut the screen door and rushed off down the trail, feeling the cool night air on our bodies.

Average: 3.8 (15 votes)

Cindi: Revisited

Inflation Types:

As the evening winded down I went into the kitchen to pour me a nice cold drink of water. I noticed the refrigerator was half way open and water was leaking from it. I knew it could be no one else but Cindi. Cindi had a habit of leaving the refrigerator half way open, causing things to go bad, but never felt she was wrong. The last time she done this, I was out of town, and when I came back the milk and cheese had spoiled. There was $7 gone down the drain, of my money might I add. She didn't think it was a big deal and offered to buy me some more, but the principle is what mattered.

Average: 2.5 (4 votes)

Single Huff, A

Inflation Types:

I sit down on the tank itself, wearing only a pair of black panties and a black bra, both made to stretch a considerable amount. Under me is a helium tank.

I push my brown hair out of the way, my green eyes glistening. I take the hose of the tank, and put the nozzle in my mouth. I turn the valve, and a rush of the gas goes into me.

First my stomach expands, filling divinely and quickly. Already I look like I should be carrying twins. Next were my breasts, filling evenly, and quite well. The pressure was building already, thirlling me.

Average: 3.4 (10 votes)
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