
Fantasy Mountain

Sexual Content:

She walked up the stairs into the lodge after a long day in the snow. She was tired but felt great after being in the sun and snow. Her snowsuit was new and fit her nicely. "Is this seat taken?" she asked pointing to a bar stool. A man turned around, smiled and told her no. She recognized him from earlier in the day. She noticed that he worked at the lodge. "You work here, don't you?" she asked. "Yes, sort of." He replied. "Actually, I own the resort." "You own the resort? Wow. I love coming to this place. I've been coming to Fantasy Mountain for years."

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)

Ye Olde Fantasie

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

or: "You've Read This Stuff Before: Different Characters, But It Has the Same Great Ending!"

Average: 3.5 (12 votes)

Working Light

Sexual Content:

Janus Goodyear has been betrayed by his former lover. He gets revenge in the best way he knows how.

Average: 4.1 (10 votes)

Stargazer, The

Sarah tries to reconcile with her husband Conrad after her affair. It turns out all he wants is a perfect night of star gazing.

Average: 4 (10 votes)


"Good Lord, Jenkins! What happened?" Dr. Kent had just stepped into the lab and was alarmed by the condition of one of his lab rats. And rightly so. Dr. William Jenkins was supposed to be running another battery of tests, and it looked like one got out of hand. The lab assistants were scurrying around trying to make themselves useful. And getting only mixed results. Fortunately, Jenkins remained calm, which was surprising when one considered that, just a few feet away, was a rodent that had been inflated past four feet in diameter that had floated up to the ceiling.

Average: 4 (15 votes)


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It was another average night for Stephanie. She would go to work every night at around 6 PM after supper. He job didn't require any type of professional look, so she would wear just light blue denim jeans and a small tank top with sneakers, no uniform or expensive suit. She recorded lab data onto computers for Sav-Corp for various experiments. She was working on a new project by Dr. Miller code named JH-12. She didn't know what this project was, despite her usual knowledge with these projects.

Average: 4 (8 votes)

High Time for Harold

Inflation Types:
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"What I wouldn't give to get next to that body," Harold thought to himself as he stared out the Study Hall room window. Below he could see Sue, the school's head cheerleader and a real knockout. She was wearing her spandex body suit during Gym class. Today the girls were doing aerobic stretching. Sue's tight outfit showed off every curve of her perfect shape.

The bell went off for the end of the period. Harold got up from the table and sighed as he thought about how good Sue looked.

Average: 2.6 (5 votes)

Happy Holly Days

Inflation Types:
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"What's the matter, you don't have the Christmas spirit?"

I'd recognize that voice anywhere.

Holly answered the phones at work. I spent most of my time down in the lab, but I'd see her every time I had to deliver a status report or a presentation on one of my projects. I'd have to pass the front desk to get to the meeting room, and she'd always deliberately make eye contact. If I was alone, we'd exchange small talk, though she'd rarely say anything if other people were around. But she'd always peek out from behind those auburn locks to give me...the look.

Average: 4.2 (13 votes)

An Evening with Holly II

Sexual Content:

Our intrepid author meets up with Holly for a second time, and they play more inflationary games.

Average: 4.3 (20 votes)

An Evening with Holly

Sexual Content:

Uncorking a bottle of wine isn't really that hard. But despite my usual bravado, I was bit nervous. And nervousness gives the faintest air of uncertainty to even the simplest of tasks. One way or another the chianti would wind up opened, so it shouldn't have cause me any anxiety. I should have been concerned about the glasses, and I was, but I was also concerned about everything else because of them. I shook my head as I chuckled to myself. Knowing the perils of the human condition did almost nothing to alleviate them. I finally freed the cork.

Average: 4.3 (29 votes)
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