

Inflation Types:
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It was early Monday morning. I stumbled around blearily on my day off, trying to find the breakfast things. As I put the coffee machine on, the telephone rang. I glanced around the floor of my messy bachelor flat and eventually found it being used as a bookmark in "Gulliver's Travels". I recalled putting it in their last night before going to sleep, reading about Balnibarbi. An improvement on the last novel I read, which was "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".

Average: 2.7 (9 votes)

Inflate Night

 This is a chapter from Wish series, the rest is available at my DA (http://bubbleguy.deviantart.com)



Average: 3.6 (7 votes)

Body Growth Ltd.

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Doctor Susan Peters punched in the code yet again, persistent as consistent to get that infernal generator working. The malfuction had happened about an hour earlier that night, and only by drinking coffee by the kettle was she able to stay awake and get the power flowing again. There was a slam of a door, and the burly boss Sir Peter James barged in. He was a short-fused employer of the thriving research company Eternal Energies Technology Ltd., and the reason it thrived so successfully was probably because every employee knows what happens to disobediance.

Average: 3.5 (15 votes)

Jennifer's Toy

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Jennifer's Toy

By DrInflator

© 1999

Average: 2.6 (8 votes)

For Greed and Pleasure

For Greed and Pleasure

A Fleeting Sanity Production

Warning this story contains naughty bits or at least from one gender.

Average: 3.6 (14 votes)


Sexual Content:

DISCLAIMER: This story contains multiple poppings of young women turned into human balloons.

Average: 3.9 (14 votes)

First Order, Cyoni

Inflation Types:
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Calisea has had a rather pleasant time in Stormwind, having been within the human city's walls for a little under a week now. She didn't get many stares, and was seldom questioned. The first order of business she was given on her mission document was to investigate the engineering segment of the great city, and find out if there were any new weapons being designed, and if these weapons were planned for on-Horde use.

Average: 3 (7 votes)

Blowing Up Space Girl

Stacey looked good in her skin-tight silver ‘Space Girl’ catsuit, though the toy laser gun holstered to her red plastic belt was really the only clue that she was dressed as ‘something’.

Super-hot Bentley Lawford, the host of the Halloween party, approached her wearing a fabulous Willy Wonka costume. “Are you from outer space?”

“Yeah. But I’ll keep my ray gun on ‘safety’.” Stacey smiled.

Bentley slid his arm around her shoulders. “So, Space Girl, would you like a tour of the ship?”

Average: 3.1 (11 votes)


Sexual Content:

Heather's life was just about perfect, she reflected to herself, as she floated in the gentle waves just offshore. She was an adult now, a high school graduate, with her own apartment, and accountable to no one but herself. A world of choices had opened up to her; she could do anything she wanted, or just lounge on the beach all day. And the first thing she was going to do, this very evening, was let her boyfriend Brad take her virginity. Closing her eyes, she dreamily imagined how the night would play out. She'd show up at his front door in only her lace bra and panties...

Average: 3.6 (14 votes)

Conjoined Inflation

Sexual Content:

“Hurry up, I’m tired, not to mention pissed off at that juvenile delinquent boss of yours trying to give me seducing looks across the table”, said Cattie in the passenger seat next to her boy friend of one year Jeremy. “I don’t even understand why you bothered going to that stupid end of year gathering, yet alone drag me along with you”. “Party Cattie, that was a party….. well at least it was meant to be” quirked Jeremy with a slight smile gracing his face.

Average: 4 (15 votes)
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