
Pump and Circumstance


Kelly Donahue stalked down the hall of the Girl’s Dormitory, with a bundle in her arms. She counted off the room numbers until she found the dorm she was looking for. As she steeled herself for what she might see, but that was the price when you had to deal with Deirdre and Brighid Adair.

Average: 2.8 (5 votes)

Kate The Balloon Girl Vs. Gym Class

I am a force to be reckoned with at my school. I have confronted six bullies. These bullies have had knives, guns, clubs, and one had an attack hawk (It was “Bring a Pet to Class Day.”) I’ve beaten them all, and I look forward to beating more. My method is simple: I inflate really big and just roll on the jerks. I, Kate the Balloon Girl, am capable of that. I have struck terror into many a bully and made the hallways safer. I have lessened the fear and filled many self-respecting good students with a sense of security long overdue.

I also hate gym class.

Average: 3.4 (5 votes)

Letting Go

"It's kind of like a flash mob," she tells me.

"Uh-huh". Arms crossed and eyelids lowered as I stare at her in silent disapproval. In the middle of our damned vacation, she pulls this on me. And what's with these cheesy jumpsuits? She just happened to pack them accidentally on purpose, I suppose?

"I really do not want to do this" I repeat.

"You need to let go once in a while. It's good for you," she lectures.

I'll have none of that. "It is cold. It is late. I am hungry and I want a steak."

Average: 3.9 (8 votes)

Kate's First Story

Inflation Types:

I’m sick of it. I’m sick of the bullies, the corruption, the stress, and the fear. Most of all the fear. This high school I’m in now has almost everyone afraid or putting fear into others. But not me, not this girl Kate anymore. I’m not afraid, because I’ve learned I’m something more than just another girl. Something more than just another bit of prey. I’m something else entirely.

I’m not letting anyone else spread fear anymore.

Average: 2.7 (3 votes)

What We Really Fear

Inflation Types:

"Tells us where your bases are!

“On the planet.”


“Who are your commanders!”

“Your parents.”


“What kind of weapons do you have access to!”

“Plastic water pistols in the back yard.”


“Alright you bitch, if you won't talk to me then you'll have to answer to HIM.”

“Ohhhh, scary. The infamous HIM is coming. Should I be crying now?”

“No, not yet. But you will, I promise you that.”


Average: 3.5 (4 votes)

Blueberry Mentos

Inflation Types:

Johnathon has always had an inflation fetish. Now that he was older and actually knew what being "turned on" means he can understand it a little more. Even as a little kid he remembered being turned on the most by Violet Beauregarde's inflation in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. He has always been partial to blueberry inflations, but once in a while he'd venture into some other types of inflation. He vowed one day, however, that he would create the wonka gum and actually turn people into blueberries.

Average: 2.7 (3 votes)

Evil Teacher, The

Inflation Types:

It was 1'o'clock and Ashley was siting in chemistry class having a boring time. Ashley began talking to her friend only to be interupted by her weird teacher, Mr. Fuller, telling her to stop talking. She of course stopped for she didn't want any more demerits.

"Open your textbooks to page 57 and do the analysis questions." said Mr.Fuller. Ashley hated the stupid questions. "Ashley, can I see you across he hall?" asked Mr. Fuller.

Average: 2.4 (7 votes)

Frog Face

I was new to the class and although I was feeling awfully nervous and unsure, it was a wonderful day for me the moment I entered the classroom, for I saw one of the most beautiful girls in the whole world. She had dark blonde hair and green eyes and lips like Angelina Jolie. I spotted her the minute I entered and I caught her attention right away too.

Average: 3.8 (12 votes)

Barbarian Balloon

Inflation Types:

“Your going to regret EVER crossing me you whale thighed bimbo!” Rayla screamed as lighting flew from her fingertips.

“Your just still holding a grudge over the fact that I took that eye of yours!” Eeza remarked as she gracefully flipped in the air dodging the assault.

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)


Sexual Content:

Sylvia giggled, “This is soo funny!” The 5’6” blonde was laying on a sofa in the living room of her large home, watching an all night marathon of softcore porn comedies on one of the premium cable networks. She was perhaps appropriately dressed for such an occasion, wearing an expensive red bustier, black lace panties, and thigh high black lace stockings.

Average: 3.9 (11 votes)
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